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Caux meeting, 31 July 1954

Frank Buchman speaks at length about France and what some French people have achieved.

Cece Broadhurst sings "Shall we see harmony"; Frank Buchman, USA, A new statesmanship to end confusion. Situation in France. Spent time in Morocco. Prince Murat said that only a message from Heart to heart will work; He arranged a meeting. Mendes- France has spent time with some Tunisian man; 20 minutes were spent talking about MRA and Caux. Talks about Irène Laure; Frank Buchman, USA, Continues; Peter Howard, UK, comments on Mrs Macaux, who spoke to leaders of Italian industry about Firminy, a town in France where things were profoundly changed in the steel industry, which her husband is head of. Frank Buchman, USA, About South Africa; and George Daneel. Victor Laure; Frank Buchman, USA, exchanges with Howard and Morris Martin on various people; particularly Victor Laure who brought Italian communists from Livorno to a gathering in Italy.

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