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Caux meeting, 16 July 1954

Frank Buchman in chair. An American family speak. News from Mackinac. Colwell brothers sing.
Person(s) in this recording
Frank Buchman, Colwell brothers
Charles Deane (Mrs); Charlie jr Deane ; Caroll Deane; unknown Unidentified Man;

Charles Deane (Mrs), USA, wife of Congressman. Applied MRA in their family life. Visited people during campaigns without asking people to vote for them; just being interested. Refused money for the campaign; Charlie jr Deane , USA, Ready to go and live in Washington to support his father; Caroll Deane, USA, Daughter. My father was a dictator; and I was one to my brother; getting him to do the dirty work; Frank Buchman, USA, talks about elections; depending on votes; Frank Buchman, USA, You must have a faith if you have an ideology. For such a meeting we have thoughts coming from God. Talks about Mackinac. Had a cable from there. People have come to see the play "The Boss"; unknown Unidentified Man, USA, reads the cable with news from Mackinac Island; Colwell brothers, USA, Sing "Human nature"; Colwell brothers, USA, Sing "Spaghetti con ragu"


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El permiso de publicación se refiere a los derechos de FANW para publicar la grabación de audio completa de este tema en este sitio web.