Cast, Joseph Zukunga; , India, Haeremai (New Zeland trad.); What will tomorro's Asia bring (Thwaites); Nava Asiya wak (Sri Lanka; Ramana Iayalath); Will we have rice tomorrow; Dad?; (Kathleen Johnson Dodds); Ata atai (Papua New Guinea; Andrew); River Mekong (M. Vertigan; R. Corcoran); Cast, Joseph Zukunga; Alan Porteous; Suresh Khatri, Christine Iralu., India, City of light (Alan Porteous); Kori Khasi; Kori jongnga (North East India); The voice in your heart; (Elaine Gordon) ; Kal to Roti Shah/Balsavar); Karangatia ra (New Zealand); Song of Asia (The cast/Kathleen Kohnson Dodds)
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