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Media Addicts Anonymous

Media Addicts Anonymous - MAA  is a fellowship of people who use the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous to recover from the addictive use of any kind of online or offline media (internet, films, radio, TV, books, magazines, smartphones, social media etc). 
The 12 Steps, which are used for recovery from many addictive disorders in different fellowships, were built upon the Six Steps of the Oxford groups, as founded by Dr Frank Buchman.
One of the several tools Dr Buchman emphasized as indispensable for this spiritual path and to be used in the daily morning devotion, is also frequently used by MAA members. It is called "Two Way Prayer".
Writes one of the founders: "We are very grateful for having been passed on these spiritual tools, to aid our recovery from this progressive and fatal disease.
Anyone questioning if they suffer from this malady and who wants to learn about our solution, is welcome to attend our meetings".  (el enlace es externo)
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