Artikler Denne siden finnes i: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtrer etter Tittel Forfatter Filtre Type Akademisk artikkel Anecdotes Anmeldelse Presentasjon Nyheter Opinion Rapport Blogg Boktekst Correspondence Presseklipp Tale Nekrolog Historie Personlig historie Nekrolog Intervju utskrift Miscellaneous Notes Official document Profil Poem PR material Program Refleksjon Training material Vis alle typer Vis færre typer Språk på siden English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Vis alle språk Vis færre språk Har tekstfil File (field_file) YES Tidsperiode Fra Minimum Maks Sortér etter Sorter etter Dato lagt til AscDato lagt til BeskrivelseTittel AscTittel Beskrivelse Created with Lunacy Rutenett Created with Lunacy Liste 4973 Resultater Artikkel Presseklipp English English Saidie Patterson The Irish Times 1985 'You can't have peace unless you take the people with you,' said Saidie Patterson. Artikkel Presseklipp Saidie Patterson The Irish Times 1985 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Oxford Movement Group Comes Here The Evening Star 1932 Aim of Oxford Group is to 'recapture the spirit, power and joy of the early church.' Artikkel Presseklipp Oxford Movement Group Comes Here The Evening Star 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Queen's Park Received Africans 1958 Film "Freedom" has been dubbed into 11 languages and presented in three European film festivals and in cities across the globe. Artikkel Presseklipp Queen's Park Received Africans 1958 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English World Facing Riot of Revival Herald Tribune 1932 Be sure the lines are open between God and yourselves, Frank Buchman tells attendees at House Party. Artikkel Presseklipp World Facing Riot of Revival Herald Tribune 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Calvary Pastor Backs Ideals of Oxford Group Sam Shoemaker New York Herald Tribune 1932 Rev Sam M. Shoemaker invited his listeners, "with all my power," to attend the fellowship meetings of the Oxford Group. Artikkel Presseklipp Calvary Pastor Backs Ideals of Oxford Group New York Herald Tribune 1932 Sam Shoemaker English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English 1000 Here Hail 'Groups' as New Religious Force New York Herald Tribune 1931 Testimonials to the power of personal experience through conversions and surrender to Christ were given by a dozen speakers Artikkel Presseklipp 1000 Here Hail 'Groups' as New Religious Force New York Herald Tribune 1931 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Dr Buchman Offers World-Saving Plan New York Times 1932 "What has happened here should happen in every family," said Dr. Buchman. "That is what will remake America," he concluded. Artikkel Presseklipp Dr Buchman Offers World-Saving Plan New York Times 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Buchman Here To Teach Faith Of 1st Century New York World Telegram and The Sun 1932 'It is the answer in the day of crisis to all the world's problems,' asserted Dr. Buchman today in describing the Oxford Group. Artikkel Presseklipp Buchman Here To Teach Faith Of 1st Century New York World Telegram and The Sun 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Peter Howard Challenges America Moral Re-Armament 1964 'It's not the color of our skin, but the course of our lives that is important," Peter Howard told Fisk University students. Artikkel Presseklipp Peter Howard Challenges America Moral Re-Armament 1964 English English Artikkel Presseklipp, Anmeldelse English English You Will 1952 Book review of Stephen Foot's book 'Life Began Today' by J W Massey. Artikkel Presseklipp, Anmeldelse You Will 1952 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English 'Pull-out Over Arms Sale Issue Callous' The Straits Times 1971 Condemnation will be old hat. Artikkel Presseklipp 'Pull-out Over Arms Sale Issue Callous' The Straits Times 1971 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Baguio Sparks Asian Unity Manila Bulletin 1957 News supplement with stories of Moral Re-Armament at work in Asia Artikkel Presseklipp Baguio Sparks Asian Unity Manila Bulletin 1957 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English South Africa's Voice Rajmohan Gandhi Himmat 1970 'Africa is a continent God has kept in reserve', said Dr W.F. Nkomo. Artikkel Presseklipp South Africa's Voice Himmat 1970 Rajmohan Gandhi English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Buchman Party Ready To Greet 600 Tomorrow New York Herald Tribune 1932 Critics ignore invitation. Artikkel Presseklipp Buchman Party Ready To Greet 600 Tomorrow New York Herald Tribune 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English 'Japan can be lighthouse of the world' Michael Henderson The Japan Times 1988 Japan is astonishing the world with breadth of its thinking. Artikkel Presseklipp 'Japan can be lighthouse of the world' The Japan Times 1988 Michael Henderson English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English "The Groups" Inaugurate a New Era in Religious Ide... 1932 "The Groups" bring the personal touch, the immediate spiritual communion and comradeship back to the work of the churches. Artikkel Presseklipp "The Groups" Inaugurate a New Era in Religious Ide... 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English 'The Good Road' a Fine Show, A Vitally Important M... Boston Sunday Herald 1947 A notable weapon in the war of ideas. Artikkel Presseklipp 'The Good Road' a Fine Show, A Vitally Important M... Boston Sunday Herald 1947 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English His Philosophy Cure for World, Says Buchman Herald Tribune 1932 'Oxford Groups' founder arrives on Aquitania with his 'team' of 22. Artikkel Presseklipp His Philosophy Cure for World, Says Buchman Herald Tribune 1932 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English UCLA Student Leader Says MRA Is The Answer Los Angeles Sentinel 1957 Americans like myself have been blind to our own personal faults of extreme pride, ambition, and materialism: Willard Johnson. Artikkel Presseklipp UCLA Student Leader Says MRA Is The Answer Los Angeles Sentinel 1957 English English Artikkel Presseklipp English English Buchman Arrives For 'House Party' New York Times 1932 Leader of religious movement brings 22 Oxford followers to Briarcliff gathering. Artikkel Presseklipp Buchman Arrives For 'House Party' New York Times 1932 English English Vis mer (av 4973)