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The Star

South African newspaper in Johannesburg
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The "Dictator's Slippers" is a Moral Rearmament play which revolves around a conference of world power delegates.
Mr. J.F.T. Naude, Speaker of the Union House of Assembly, South Africa and Mrs. Naude visit world assembly at Caux, Switzerland.
Three members of the international cast photographed outside Roodepoort Town Hall.
Dutch Reformed church Moderator attacked for his personal views on what he felt is racial and political blindness.
At Caux conference Mr J. F. T. Naude says, "I have seen something that changes individuals, changes nations and ideologies."
"We need an answer to arrogance which breeds bitterness and frustration and leads to violence."
Thousands of black and white Rhodesian women present peace partician to British Chairperson of Geneva conference.
Delegates at international conference meet Peter Howard, author and former English rugby captain.
South Africans meet Peter Howard and Head of Christian Democratic Party in Berlin City Council at conference in Switzerland.


South Africa