Negócios, Indústria e Economia Esta página existe em: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtrar por Título Filtros Content Type Artigo Coleção Evento Filme Lugar Música Palestra Pessoa Programa Publicação Página básica Questão Teatro Viagem Guiada Mostrar todos os tipos Mostrar menos tipos Idioma original English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Mostrar todos os idiomas Mostrar menos idiomas Idioma da página English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Mostrar todos os idiomas Mostrar menos idiomas Há mídia anexada Arquivo anexo Texto Áudio integrado Áudio Vídeo incorporado Vídeo Ordenar por Ordenar por Completeness AscCompleteness DescRandom AscRandom DescData adicionada AscData adicionada DescTítulo AscTítulo Desc Created with Lunacy Grade Created with Lunacy Listar 372 results Artigo English English Can India's Reforms Help Her Poorest? Michael Smith 1997 As India celebrates 50 years of freedom, Michael Smith observes her economic reforms. Artigo Can India's Reforms Help Her Poorest? Michael Smith English English Artigo English English Life in the Balance 1997 At times the pressure of balancing work, relationships and leisure leaves us with a juggling act at best. Artigo Life in the Balance English English Artigo English English Brain Drain in Reverse Michael Smith 1997 Indian businessman Farhad Forbes packed his bags in California's Silicon Valley and returned to serve his own country. Artigo Brain Drain in Reverse Michael Smith English English Artigo Novos itens English English Global Economy Needs Values, Says Top Trade Unioni... 1997 'The world desperately needs business leaders whose moral values leave an imprint on every dicision they make' says Bill Jordan Artigo Novos itens Global Economy Needs Values, Says Top Trade Unioni... English English Artigo Novos itens English English Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... 1997 Corruption is not so much the fruit of poverty and underdevelopment as the sustainer of these conditions. Artigo Novos itens Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... English English Artigo English English The Business of Reconciliation Mike Brown 1998 Australia's human rights record would greatly inhibit our role in the Asia-Pacific region. Artigo The Business of Reconciliation Mike Brown English English Artigo Perfil English English Risk-Taker Par Excellence Michael Smith 1998 French businessman Jean Fayet has never jibbed at taking risks. Artigo Perfil Risk-Taker Par Excellence Michael Smith English English Artigo English English Partnership Pays 1998 Jacky Brandt is 'not like other bosses'. Artigo Partnership Pays English English Artigo História pessoal English English Is There An Economist in the House? 1998 While many struggle with how to survive on too little money, a growing number face the opposite problem... Artigo História pessoal Is There An Economist in the House? English English Artigo Perfil English English Turning the Tide in Kingston 1998 After years of decay, Jamaica's capital city has begun to see its heart restored. Artigo Perfil Turning the Tide in Kingston English English Artigo Novos itens English English Pulling People Out of the Poverty Trap 1998 CCBI has been running for a total of 25 years and has drawn over 6,000 participants from around the world. Artigo Novos itens Pulling People Out of the Poverty Trap English English Artigo Novos itens English English Canadians Launch Jubilee 2000 Initiative Joy Newman 1998 Canada's churches recently kicked off their response to a worldwide campaign to lift the poorest countries out of their debt... Artigo Novos itens Canadians Launch Jubilee 2000 Initiative Joy Newman English English Artigo Perfil English English A Talent for Job-Creation John Williams 1999 Over 165,000 people in developing countries found work in 1998, thanks to David Bussau and his organization. Artigo Perfil A Talent for Job-Creation John Williams English English Artigo Novos itens English English The Other 3 Rs Mary Lean 1999 Responsibility, relationships and respect for life Artigo Novos itens The Other 3 Rs Mary Lean English English Artigo English Español English + 1 Monday Morning With Nowhere to Go 1999 The experience of unemployment has changed a Canadian's approach to people who are going through hard times. Artigo Monday Morning With Nowhere to Go English Español English + 1 Artigo Novos itens English Español English + 1 Tanzania Tackles Corruption 1999 An all-African conference on how to combat corruption and bring reconciliation to a war-torn continent... Artigo Novos itens Tanzania Tackles Corruption English Español English + 1 Artigo English English Talk of the Town in South Africa Mike Brown 1999 What has made Middelburg and its neighbouring city Witbank the fastest growing towns in South Africa? Artigo Talk of the Town in South Africa Mike Brown English English Artigo Perfil English Español English + 1 Incorrigibly Independent Mary Lean 1999 At 18, Paul Gundersen was risking his life for his country, Finland... Artigo Perfil Incorrigibly Independent Mary Lean English Español English + 1 Artigo História pessoal English English From Workaholic to Family Man Dutch Businessman says, "I have learnt: money is important but it should never result in squandering the basic values of life." Artigo História pessoal From Workaholic to Family Man English English Artigo História pessoal English English Worshipping at a Different Altar Paul Williams 2001 Tony Reynolds was a high flier until a change of motive led his career into a seeming backwater. Artigo História pessoal Worshipping at a Different Altar Paul Williams English English Ver mais (de 372)