Negócios, Indústria e Economia Esta página existe em: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtrar por Título Filtros Content Type Artigo Coleção Evento Filme Lugar Música Palestra Pessoa Programa Publicação Página básica Questão Teatro Viagem Guiada Mostrar todos os tipos Mostrar menos tipos Idioma original English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Mostrar todos os idiomas Mostrar menos idiomas Idioma da página English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Mostrar todos os idiomas Mostrar menos idiomas Há mídia anexada Arquivo anexo Texto Áudio integrado Áudio Vídeo incorporado Vídeo Ordenar por Ordenar por Completeness AscCompleteness DescRandom AscRandom DescData adicionada AscData adicionada DescTítulo AscTítulo Desc Created with Lunacy Grade Created with Lunacy Listar 372 results Artigo História pessoal English English Swedish Glasnost 1989 Whether Gorbachev's policy of glasnost is having sufficient effect on Soviet economic life remains to be seen. Artigo História pessoal Swedish Glasnost English English Artigo English English Poland - Working for a Human Community 1990 The destruction of the work ethic has been common to all countries of the socialist experiment. Artigo Poland - Working for a Human Community English English Artigo Opinião English English The Help the Unified Germany Needs Peter Petersen 1991 `Where do we go from here?' or, to be more exact: `Where do the Germans go from here?' Artigo Opinião The Help the Unified Germany Needs Peter Petersen English English Artigo História pessoal English English Joseph Karanja 2007 According to the UN, 1.3 million people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water. Artigo História pessoal Joseph Karanja English English Artigo História pessoal English English Business of Change 2006 When the whole context in which you've existed changes, what do you do? Artigo História pessoal Business of Change English English Artigo Opinião English English Peace, Bread and Health 2006 I see no way of achieving daily bread for all without a world trade market which is genuinely open. Artigo Opinião Peace, Bread and Health English English Artigo Novos itens English English Industry Into the 1990s 1989 Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade, Yvonne van Rooy addresses conference 'Shaping the 1990s -a better use of resources'. Artigo Novos itens Industry Into the 1990s English English Artigo Novos itens English English UK Industries on Upturn Miles Paine 1996 People operate best when they are given responsibility. Artigo Novos itens UK Industries on Upturn Miles Paine English English Artigo Opinião English English Switzerland Opens the Books on the Past 1997 Daniel Mottu lives in Geneva and was President of the Swiss Foundation for MRA from 1977-1987. Artigo Opinião Switzerland Opens the Books on the Past English English Artigo Perfil English English Incubating Enterprise in the Black Country Michael Smith 1998 An initiative to create jobs in one of Britain's unemployment blackspots. Artigo Perfil Incubating Enterprise in the Black Country Michael Smith English English Artigo Opinião English English Harvest Time for Jubilee 2000 2000 Martin Dent is the co-founder of Jubilee 2000. He writes in his personal capacity. Artigo Opinião Harvest Time for Jubilee 2000 English English Artigo Opinião English English Still Time, but Only Just 2001 Bill Midgley retired after 20 years with the Newcastle Building Society in 1998. Artigo Opinião Still Time, but Only Just English English Artigo Perfil English English From Walkerswood to the World Mary Lean 2001 Walkerswood, a cottage industry in Jamaica has burgeoned into a company with a GBP 2million plus annual turnover. Artigo Perfil From Walkerswood to the World Mary Lean English English Artigo Relatório English English Investing in the Regeneration of Nagaland Neichu Angami 2002 The aim of Entrepreneurs Associates (EA) is to 'kick-start a process of social change through entrepreneurship'. Artigo Relatório Investing in the Regeneration of Nagaland Neichu Angami English English Artigo English English Fair Trade Makes Good Mary Lean 2003 As you reach out for a jar of coffee in the supermarket, you can give a hand to the people who grew the beans... Artigo Fair Trade Makes Good Mary Lean English English Artigo Perfil English English No Bribes for Healthy Business Michael Smith 2003 Corruption is bad for business, says Suresh Vazirani, Managing Director of an award-winning hi-tech company. He talks to Michael Artigo Perfil No Bribes for Healthy Business Michael Smith English English Artigo English English Still Hammering for Humanity Kenneth Noble 2003 A charity which is rehousing poor people worldwide Artigo Still Hammering for Humanity Kenneth Noble English English Artigo História pessoal English English Restocking Sri Lanka's Schools Michael Smith 2005 IT WAS only three days before the tsunami struck that Vijitha Yapa decided to give a day off to his staff of eight. Artigo História pessoal Restocking Sri Lanka's Schools Michael Smith English English Artigo Perfil English English Jack ' Who Won't Be Boxed 1989 When the very survival of the largest British motor car company was in doubt-and with it many thousands of jobs-help came. Artigo Perfil Jack ' Who Won't Be Boxed English English Artigo English English Corruption: Public Enemy Number One 1989 A string of scandals have gained international limelight, backed up by strong sub-plots of take-over crookery and insider-dealin Artigo Corruption: Public Enemy Number One English English Ver mais (de 372)