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For A Change Magazine: Volume 19 Number 05

Transforming the way things are

The five summer conferences at Caux, the Initiatives of Change conference centre in Switzerland, were the main focus of this issue. Highlights include 'Art Power', a report on the Renewal Arts session; addressing issues of corruption and good governance in Africa in the 'African Dialogue'; stories of people taking part in the new 'Tools for Change' conference as well as a report on the UN International Day of Indigenous Peoples.

Art Power (En)
Whether you're a clown, a singer, an actor or simply a member of the audience, you have an impact on the world.discov
What is it like to organise a Caux conference?
Caux conference 'Tools for Change' - offering practical training in conflict-resolution.
Alvin Manitopyes of the Cree-Ojibwa in Canada said, 'Whatever happens anywhere affects people everywhere.'
Incomer (En)
Are you still a newcomer after living in Caux for 60 years?
Ibrahima Fall, UN Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region in Africa talks about the corrupters and corrupt.
According to the UN, 1.3 million people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water.
'Ethical leadership in business', a Caux conference bringing together business professionals, farmers and journalists.
God's longing for our love is as great as our longing for his.
Themon Djaksam joins Africans from across the continent to address the issues of corruption and good governance.
As a lawyer, Mishkat al-Moumin had fought for women's rights under Saddam Hussein, when few existed.
Teaching English in China was an eye-opener. It was a challenge to teach such gifted students.
I first went to Caux, the Initiatives of Change (IofC) conference centre in Switzerland, as a starry-eyed drama student in 1992.
Often the strangers on the edge are the only people who can see the future as well as the past.
The year 2007 will be the 200th anniversary of William Wilberforce leading the battle to end the transatlantic slave trade.
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