连接个人和全球 该页面存在于: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 筛选条件 标题 过滤 Content Type 事件 人物 出版物 剧院 地点 基本页面 导览行程 文章 活动 电影 谈话 采集 问题 音乐 显示所有类型 显示较少的类型 原始语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 页面语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 有附加媒体 附件档案 文本 嵌入式音频 音讯 嵌入式视频 视频 排序依据 排序方式 Completeness 升序Completeness 降序Random 升序Random 降序添加日期 升序添加日期 降序标题 升序标题 降序 Created with Lunacy 格子 Created with Lunacy 列表 总共 571 结果 文章 意见 English English Caux is the Place 菲利普莫图 2005 As he searched for an answer, he sensed that the moment for reconciliation would come and wrote, 'Caux is the place'. 文章 意见 Caux is the Place 菲利普莫图 English English 文章 感言 English English Don't Give it Up, Make it Sacred Chris Lancaster 2005 We are called not so much to give up what means most to us, but to make it sacred, to transform it. 文章 感言 Don't Give it Up, Make it Sacred Chris Lancaster English English 文章 新闻项目, 个人故事 English English Peace, Conflict, Hakuna Matata! José Carlos León Vargas 2005 I notice him spreading a mat on the floor to commence his morning prayers according to his religion, Islam. 文章 新闻项目, 个人故事 Peace, Conflict, Hakuna Matata! José Carlos León Vargas English English 文章 意见 English English Life as a Gift Laura Boobbyer 2005 In my youth I didn't always feel that life was a gift. 文章 意见 Life as a Gift Laura Boobbyer English English 文章 个人资料 English English Batting for India's Disabled Pamela Jenner 2005 Valley for the Disabled hidden away in the rural heartlands of Tamil Nadu. 文章 个人资料 Batting for India's Disabled Pamela Jenner English English 文章 个人资料 English English Nomads Find a Home in the Arts 2005 New Generation's workshops are given by volunteers and include art, drama, guitar and drumming as well as capoeira. 文章 个人资料 Nomads Find a Home in the Arts English English 文章 意见 English English Mozart and the Desert 玛丽·莱恩 2006 Thoughts for a new year. 文章 意见 Mozart and the Desert 玛丽·莱恩 English English 文章 报告 English English Inner and Outer Journey of a Lifetime Laura Boobbyer 2006 Young people are flocking to Asia for leadership training. 文章 报告 Inner and Outer Journey of a Lifetime Laura Boobbyer English English 文章 个人资料 English English Keeping Peace Alive 2006 Keeping Peace Alive promotes dialogue between teenagers from different backgrounds in Cape Town, South Africa. 文章 个人资料 Keeping Peace Alive English English 文章 个人故事 English Español English + 1 Beyond Her Wildest Dreams Paul Williams 2006 Elsa Vogel tells Paul Williams why those who have suffered have so much to give. 文章 个人故事 Beyond Her Wildest Dreams Paul Williams English Español English + 1 文章 新闻项目 English English Reaching for the Heart of the Superpower 2006 Will Jenkins travels across the US with an international team of young people. 文章 新闻项目 Reaching for the Heart of the Superpower English English 文章 个人故事 English English Family Quest for Today's Heroes 2006 Worried about the world your children will inherit? 文章 个人故事 Family Quest for Today's Heroes English English 文章 个人资料 English English Making Life An Art 2006 Francisco Toledo is not just one of Mexico's best known artists: he is also a philanthropist. 文章 个人资料 Making Life An Art English English 文章 个人故事 English English Choosing Strawberry Milk 2006 How I overcame anorexia. 文章 个人故事 Choosing Strawberry Milk English English 文章 个人故事 English English Dealing with denial Paul Williams 2006 Jessie Sutherland tells Paul Williams about the life-threatening experiences which brought her home in more ways than one. 文章 个人故事 Dealing with denial Paul Williams English English 文章 感言 English English Time and Space John Lester 1987 They possessed something more valuable than all the durables that most of us depend on. That something is time. 文章 感言 Time and Space John Lester English English 文章 意见 English English We Need to Rediscover Where Real Riches Lie 格雷厄姆·特纳 1987 Our world is full of people who have squandered their own humanity in the pursuit of personal ambition. 文章 意见 We Need to Rediscover Where Real Riches Lie 格雷厄姆·特纳 English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Lighting Asian Candles Vijayalakshmi Subrahmanyan 1987 Eight young Bhutanese professionals bring 'greetings from His Majesty the King of Bhutan' to Asia Plateau conference. 文章 新闻项目 Lighting Asian Candles Vijayalakshmi Subrahmanyan English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Bringing Enemies Together 1987 Professor Rieben, Director of the Centre for European Research in Lausanne, gives impressions after visiting Caux. 文章 新闻项目 Bringing Enemies Together English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Rajmohan Gandhi in Philippines 1988 Rajmohan Gandhi of India talks with President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines. 文章 新闻项目 Rajmohan Gandhi in Philippines English English 查看更多(共571个)