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English English 文章 新闻项目, 意见 English English Peace-Building and Forgiveness 2001 The subject of forgiveness has climbed into newspaper headlines, political speeches and scholarly literature around the world. 文章 新闻项目, 意见 Peace-Building and Forgiveness English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Australian Conference Breaks Barriers 迈克·洛 2003 'Together we can make a world of difference' 文章 新闻项目 Australian Conference Breaks Barriers 迈克·洛 English English 文章 个人故事 English English Bringing a Nightmare to An End Michael Henderson 2003 The people of Pforzheim, Germany, suffered dreadfully in World War II-and a British aircrew paid a terrible price. 文章 个人故事 Bringing a Nightmare to An End Michael Henderson English English 文章 个人故事 English English Fathers and Sons 2003 My attitude to my son changed when I asked my own father for forgiveness. 文章 个人故事 Fathers and Sons English English 出版物 书籍 English Português English + 1 Listen for a change Annejet Campbell 1986 The challenges of living together–communication breakdowns, false expectations, infidelity, going it alone, alcoholism. 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF Listen for a change Annejet Campbell English Português English + 1 文章 剪报 English English Popular Play At Hofmeyr 1949 Keynote of the play is the phylosophy that progress towards peace can be gained by saying 'I'm sorry'. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Popular Play At Hofmeyr English English 出版物 书籍 English English Deeply Rooted - the forgotten vision of Robert Sch... Jeff Fountain 2010 How could post-war Europe be rebuilt on the Great Commandment to love one's neighbour? 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF Deeply Rooted - the forgotten vision of Robert Sch... Jeff Fountain English English 文章 历史, 介绍 Français Français La guerre n'aura pas lieu Philippe Lasserre 2006 Un compte-rendu du livre "La guerre n'aura pas lieu" 附件媒体: PDF fr 文章 历史, 介绍 附件媒体: PDF La guerre n'aura pas lieu Philippe Lasserre Français Français 文章 意见 English English We Must All Look to Our Wrongs 玛丽·莱恩 2004 Abduljalil Sajid, Chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony, UK, on forgiveness. 文章 意见 We Must All Look to Our Wrongs 玛丽·莱恩 English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Australia Continues Her Journey of Healing 约翰邦德 2004 The struggle that lies behind a new memorial in Canberra to Australia's indigenous 'stolen'. 文章 新闻项目 Australia Continues Her Journey of Healing 约翰邦德 English English 文章 English English Breaking the legacy of hatred 2004 Does hatred have to be passed on from one generation to the next? 文章 Breaking the legacy of hatred English English 文章 个人资料 English English That Bullet Was Meant for Me Bob Webb 2005 When refugees poured in to Albania during the war in Kosovo, they set Ela Kaloshi on the road to forgiving. 文章 个人资料 That Bullet Was Meant for Me Bob Webb English English 出版物 书籍 Français Português Français + 1 Ce monde que Dieu nous confie. Rencontres avec le ... 查尔斯·皮格, Michel Sentis 1979 'Ce livre apporte un message mûri par trente ans d'action.' 附件媒体: PDF fr 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF Ce monde que Dieu nous confie. Rencontres avec le ... 查尔斯·皮格, Michel Sentis Français Português Français + 1 出版物 书籍 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 汉语 + 11 我们的澳大利亚土地……在 Myall Creek 找到我们的心 格雷姆科迪纳 2022 一位澳大利亚白人的原住民之旅 附件媒体: PDF zh-hans 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF 我们的澳大利亚土地……在 Myall Creek 找到我们的心 格雷姆科迪纳 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 汉语 + 11 文章 学术论文 English English The Moral Re-Armament Movement: is 'generic' the r... 1995 An academic study of Moral Re-Armament. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 学术论文 附件媒体: PDF The Moral Re-Armament Movement: is 'generic' the r... English English 文章 剪报 English English Rebuilding A Nation From The Bottom Up 1999 The forgiveness factor. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Rebuilding A Nation From The Bottom Up English English 文章 历史 English English A Long Way Michael Henderson 2005 For many the war years were enough adventure to last a lifetime. 文章 历史 A Long Way Michael Henderson English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Standing up for Peace in a Clean Africa 让·布朗 2005 Women standing up and speaking out for peace in a clean Africa. 文章 新闻项目 Standing up for Peace in a Clean Africa 让·布朗 English English 查看更多(共324个)