
New Executive Team to Help ‘Revitalize’ IofC UK

Introducing the new Executive Team - 2008.

As part of the process of revitalizing IofC UK the board of trustees has employed a new Executive Team for a period of two years. Their task is to help to develop the vision and strategy for IofC UK, to improve ways of working and to help think about ways of organizing ourselves for the longer term. The three-person team started work on 4 February, 2008.

They have equal status and shared responsibility. Each one also has specific areas of responsibility. This is a brief introduction to them:

Kate Monkhouse is ‘Convenor of the Executive Team with Special Responsibilities for Communications and Development’. She has a BA in French & History of Art, a postgraduate diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and is due to graduate soon with a Masters in Public Administration (the Third Sector equivalent of an MBA). She says her Christian faith is instrumental in her life and she is passionate about civic leadership. She has also been involved with the Greenbelt Arts Festival’s speakers programme. Her last position was Director of the London Civic Forum.

Paul Devos is ‘Executive Team member with Special Responsibilities for Operations and Programmes’. He is Belgian and studied Business/Management. In 1987 he became a Christian and following this studied Old Testament & Biblical Languages in the USA. He has worked in East and West Europe as both a ministry leader and a business executive, particularly involved in helping companies re-organize themselves. He recently moved to the UK and lives in Cambridge.

Ken Noble is ‘Company Secretary and Executive Team member with Special Responsibilities for Pastoral Care’. He has worked full-time with IofC, since studying at London University, in Malta, UK, Nigeria and more recently as co-editor of For A Change magazine, before accepting the role of Secretary to the Oxford Group.

The team is based at the London centre of IofC, 24 Greencoat Place, SW1, and is answerable to the Trustees of the Oxford Group.

Elisabeth Tooms, Chair, Board of Trustees



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