
For A Change Magazine: Volume 10 Number 6

本期有 8 文章
Corruption is not so much the fruit of poverty and underdevelopment as the sustainer of these conditions.
Ernst Neizvestney - carver of Khrushchev's tombstone and sculptor of two massive memorials to Stalin's victims.
'The world desperately needs business leaders whose moral values leave an imprint on every dicision they make' says Bill Jordan
A tree planting ceremony honoured the nearly 2000 refugees housed at Caux during World War II
Betsy Lancaster takes part in a conference 'for all who long to discover the creative sparkle within'.
Daniel Mottu lives in Geneva and was President of the Swiss Foundation for MRA from 1977-1987.
Russian poet Irina Ratushinskaia spoke Caux on 'The life of faith'.
In 1961, after his obligatory service, General Colin Powell could have left the US Army.
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