تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

هذه الصفحة موجودة في:

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

العناصر المتاحة
An address by Peter Howard at the invitation of Commonwealth Challenge
South Africa, a sounding-board of the answer
A talk by Dr Paul S. Campbell at 45 Berkeley Square, London, November, 1967
Impression of the Oxford Group movement by Foss Calcutta, son of Bishop Foss Westcott
We are now fighting a greater War than any since the world began. It is not nation against nation, but chaos against God.
A short history of the Oxford Group and MRA.
Bishop of Chota-Nagpur spoke as an Ulsterman, long resident in India, and gave his views.
The Oxford Group made plain certain primary religious experience which some of us have not successfully put into simple language
'It has revived the spiritual faculties, tested the faith and challenged sincerity of professing and non-professing Christians.
There is much about the Oxford Group Movement that I do not understand.
The messsage from the leaders is simplicity itself.
'Is there anything this Continent needs more than going into Silence, there to wait expectantly for what God has to say?'
'One thing is sure: if it is sound and time-worthy, no amount of criticism can detain it.'
Few of the thousands attending the meetings had any doubt about its sincerity and reality.
"There is only one solution, that is to get back to God, back to reality, back to sanity," said Dr Norval.
Representatives from over 20 countries attended a lunch arranged by The Oxford Group at the International Club, Geneva.


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