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Arquivos sul-africanos

Os arquivos do RAM/IdeM na África do Sul estão alojados em Pretória.

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Os arquivos do RAM/IdeM na África do Sul estão alojados em Pretória.

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Cópias físicas disponíveis neste local

Film "An Idea Takes Wings" shown in South Africa.
MRA play from Africa, in Sweden.
The vision for the showing of the film 'The Crowning Expereience' in South Africa was that it would flow as a healing stream.
All-Africa musical completes successful tour of East Africa.
Change starts with myself, said Ambassador John Mhina.
Stellenbosch students felt that if you wanted to demand purity from your government, you must first gain it.
Japan is astonishing the world with breadth of its thinking.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions' charges refuted by Sibnath Banerjee.
S.A. miners at Moral Re-Armament conference.
'Hot gospelers' play at Hofmeyr Theatre, Cape Town
Talk given at Forum of the Friends of the Westminster Theatre, London, July, 1973
Condemnation will be old hat.
'We have been given the ministry of reconciliation,' stressed Bishop Elinaza Sendoro.
It is very hard to utter the words, 'We are sorry.'
Clean-living, God-fearing, decent, honest young people who sing because they are full of the joy of living.
'A musical explosion' aimed at "expressing the spirit of the new, young South Africa."
Ten participants from the same farming community of Vaalhartz, take part in musical show.
Describing the show, Jonathan Harrod said that it is 'A positive demonstration of our generation.'
The music of these men and women who represent a new generation, is born of today's dynamic spirit.
A thought-provoking and challenging message.