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English English Artikel Laudatio English Español Português English + 2 Mick Lennon - a eulogy Nigel Cooper 2002 Eulogy for Mick Lennon given at Mt. Albert Presbyterian Church, Auckland, on 12 June, 2002 Artikel Laudatio Mick Lennon - a eulogy Nigel Cooper English Español Português English + 2 Artikel Nachrichten English English Wales-Lesotho Twinning Comes of Age Paul Williams 2006 Dolen Cymru (the Wales-Lesotho Link) was launched in 1985, sustained on the Welsh side by a voluntary national committee. Artikel Nachrichten Wales-Lesotho Twinning Comes of Age Paul Williams English English Artikel Nachrichten English English India I Care 2006 If only we lived in a world where people didn't drop litter, tell lies, cheat... but we do. Artikel Nachrichten India I Care English English Artikel Profil English English Harnessing the Power of Boaz and Ruth 2006 The discovery of a programme which is revitalising old furniture, broken lives and a whole neighbourhood. Artikel Profil Harnessing the Power of Boaz and Ruth English English Artikel Meinung English English Sixty Years Young Laura Boobbyer 2006 I first went to Caux, the Initiatives of Change (IofC) conference centre in Switzerland, as a starry-eyed drama student in 1992. Artikel Meinung Sixty Years Young Laura Boobbyer English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Everyone a Leader 2006 What is it like to organise a Caux conference? Artikel Nachrichten Everyone a Leader English English Veröffentlichung Buch Französisch Französisch Hors des ténèbres maudites Leif Hovelsen 1961 A 19 ans, Leif Hovelsen tombait entre les mains de la Gestapo en Norvège. Angehängte Medien: PDF fr Veröffentlichung Buch Angehängte Medien: PDF Hors des ténèbres maudites Leif Hovelsen 1961 Französisch Französisch Artikel Nachrichten, Persönliche Geschichte English English Beyond Hunting, Shooting and Fishing 2004 The once dilettante scion of a Scottish business family told Paul Williams of the revolution that God brought to his life. Artikel Nachrichten, Persönliche Geschichte Beyond Hunting, Shooting and Fishing English English Artikel Nachruf English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Deutsch + 11 Dick Cosens (1933-2009) Michael Schmidt 2009 Gewerkschaftsaktivist, der eine einflussreiche Rolle in der Kampagne für Arbeitsplätze in der britischen Industrie spielte. Artikel Nachruf Dick Cosens (1933-2009) Michael Schmidt English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Deutsch + 11 Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Hooked for Life Paul Williams 2006 Paul Williams has been editing 'Turning Point' in 'For a Change' since it began in 1992. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Hooked for Life Paul Williams English English Artikel Nachrichten English English East Meets West in Caux 1989 In one Swiss village, Caux, above Montreux, the conferences are a little different. Artikel Nachrichten East Meets West in Caux English English Artikel Reflexion English English The Road to Eccentricity 1992 The road of selflessness and honesty, of love and purity is less travelled than some. Artikel Reflexion The Road to Eccentricity English English Artikel Meinung English English Climate Change and the Trust Factor 2007 The year when the scales tipped over climate change: can we generate enough trust? Artikel Meinung Climate Change and the Trust Factor English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Australians Ask What it Means to Be Good Neighbour... Nearly 300 community leaders and activists from Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, including 22 from Fiji, gather together. Artikel Nachrichten Australians Ask What it Means to Be Good Neighbour... English English Artikel Stanzen English English New MRA Training Centres 1965 From mountain hill stations on opposite sides of the globe comes the news of plans to build two more training centres. Angehängte Medien: PDF en Artikel Stanzen Angehängte Medien: PDF New MRA Training Centres English English Artikel Nachrichten English English 'Life Matters' Course in Australia for Young Adult... 2006 18-year-old Eorann Lean from the UK describes a course held at Armagh, the Australian Pacific centre for Initiatives of Change. Artikel Nachrichten 'Life Matters' Course in Australia for Young Adult... English English Artikel Laudatio English English Eulogy to John Vickers (1914-2013) Peter Vickers 2013 Eulogy to John Vickers, by his son, on 11th October 2013 Angehängte Medien: PDF en Artikel Laudatio Angehängte Medien: PDF Eulogy to John Vickers (1914-2013) Peter Vickers English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Life in Sherkole Refugee Camp Fiona Leggat 1999 Five weeks in a refugee camp in Western Ethiopia shattered stereotypes. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Life in Sherkole Refugee Camp Fiona Leggat English English Artikel Profil English English First Water, Then Goats and Computers An English P... Anna Rignall 2000 When an English church looked for a clean-water project to support in 1983, no one knew how far it would lead. Artikel Profil First Water, Then Goats and Computers An English P... Anna Rignall English English Mehr anzeigen (von 567)