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"The Vanishing Island"

"The Vanishing Island"

A musical about "the cold war"

The Vanishing Island is in three acts, written by and , music by Will Reed and .

"The Vanishing Island takes place in two countries. One of them is called the land of Eiluph'mei and the other is called the land of Weiheit'tiu. The meaning of the words depends on which dictionary you use. If you look it up in one dictionary, Eiluph'mei (I Love Me) means the Land of Liberty. In another, it is called the Land of Licence. Weiheit'tiu (We Hate You) in one dictionary is said to be the State of New Democracy. If you look it up in another, it means Land of Tyranny.

"Nobody is quite sure of the distance between the land of Eiluph'mei and Weiheit'tiu. It depends on what map you look at. The distance, if any, seems to vary from moment to moment in time.

"The time of The Vanishing Island is the Past and the Present, and it might even be the Future, too."

This pioneering musical play travelled widely and was seen by tens of thousands of people.