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Artikel Partnership Pays English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Kenyans Reject Corruption 1998 The sixth All-Africa conference for MRA, which took place in Limuru, Kenya, was marked by plain speaking... Artikel Nachrichten Kenyans Reject Corruption English English Artikel English English Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean 1998 It's not just the ethereal scenery that brings people from conflict areas to Caux in Switzerland. Artikel Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean English English Artikel Profil English English Turning the Tide in Kingston 1998 After years of decay, Jamaica's capital city has begun to see its heart restored. Artikel Profil Turning the Tide in Kingston English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Towards a Symphony of Civilizations Paul Williams 1998 Paul Williams attends an inter-generational conversation on ethics for the next century. Artikel Nachrichten Towards a Symphony of Civilizations Paul Williams English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Journalists Look to Their Role in Ethnic Conflicts Michael Schmidt 1998 The media in the Balkans, divided on ethnic lines, did 'more damage than weapons'... Artikel Nachrichten Journalists Look to Their Role in Ethnic Conflicts Michael Schmidt English English Artikel English English Mightier Than the Sword? 1998 A symposium in Ottawa on the responsibilities of artists and writers as champions of human rights. Artikel Mightier Than the Sword? English English Artikel Meinung English English Not for the Faint-Hearted 1999 South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is a weighty affair... Artikel Meinung Not for the Faint-Hearted English English Artikel Rückblick English English When the Pope Says Sorry 1999 Italian journalist Luigi Accatolli has documented 94 occasions when the Pope has apologized publicly... Artikel Rückblick When the Pope Says Sorry English English Artikel Meinung English English Who's to Say Who's Right? Michael Schmidt 1999 Groucho Marx once quipped, 'I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member'. Artikel Meinung Who's to Say Who's Right? Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Nachrichten English English FT Hosts Media Soul Searching Michael Schmidt 1999 Mahatma Gandhi once said that 'the sole aim of journalism should be service'. Artikel Nachrichten FT Hosts Media Soul Searching Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Nachrichten English English The Other 3 Rs Mary Lean 1999 Responsibility, relationships and respect for life Artikel Nachrichten The Other 3 Rs Mary Lean English English Artikel English English The Last Best Word of the English Language 1999 American author Philip Yancey teaches Susan Corcoran a thing or two about grace. Artikel The Last Best Word of the English Language English English Artikel Reflexion English Español Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Deutsch + 9 Uns selbst sehen Edward Peters 1999 Das letzte Jahr war für mich von zwei scheinbar gegensätzlichen Gefühlen geprägt. Artikel Reflexion Uns selbst sehen Edward Peters English Español Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Deutsch + 9 Artikel English English What Has People Power Done for Poland? Mike Lowe 1999 Poland, ten years after its return to democracy. Artikel What Has People Power Done for Poland? Mike Lowe English English Artikel Profil English English The Verwoerds and the ANC 1999 Verwoerd is one of the names most associated with apartheid. Artikel Profil The Verwoerds and the ANC English English Artikel Meinung English English Tax Protests Focus Jamaican Media's Role 1999 Martin Henry is a communications consultant and a lecturer in Communication at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Artikel Meinung Tax Protests Focus Jamaican Media's Role English English Artikel Nachrichten English Español English + 1 Tanzania Tackles Corruption 1999 An all-African conference on how to combat corruption and bring reconciliation to a war-torn continent... Artikel Nachrichten Tanzania Tackles Corruption English Español English + 1 Artikel English English Pope Calls for Communication not Alienation Michael Henderson 1999 The Pope believes that the Church's 'culture of remembrance' can save the media culture of transitory news... Artikel Pope Calls for Communication not Alienation Michael Henderson English English Artikel English Español English + 1 Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown 1999 A week at the MRA international conference centre in Caux, Switzerland, of 'honest conversation' Artikel Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown English Español English + 1 Mehr anzeigen (von 250)