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Artikel Profil Students on Their Honour English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Dental fire sparks new approach Paul Williams 2004 The story of an Indian dentist who saw his surgery razed to the ground. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Dental fire sparks new approach Paul Williams English English Artikel Meinung English English The US: Freedom begins at home Dick Ruffin 2004 If America is to advance the cause of democracy world-wide, she will have to work harder at applying democratic values... Artikel Meinung The US: Freedom begins at home Dick Ruffin English English Artikel Profil English English Born-Again Crops Give Hope to Zimbabwean Farmers ... 2004 Ian Robertson and his colleagues have found a way to free staple crops from viruses, with dramatic results for their growers. Artikel Profil Born-Again Crops Give Hope to Zimbabwean Farmers ... English English Artikel Meinung English English Discover the Other Mike Lowe 2004 Tolerance is not enough to bridge the world's differences, writes Mike Lowe. We need to engage. Artikel Meinung Discover the Other Mike Lowe English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Show Without Shocking Finlay Moir, Liz Weeks, Danielle Maillefer, Gerald Henderson 2005 OUEST FRANCE, France's leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, says Didier Pillet. Artikel Nachrichten Show Without Shocking Finlay Moir, Liz Weeks, Danielle Maillefer, Gerald Henderson English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Reasons for Hope Alan Weeks 2005 'Reasons for Hope' conference in Liverpool, UK, focussed on healing history and the power of honest dialogue. Artikel Nachrichten Reasons for Hope Alan Weeks English English Artikel Reflexion English English Giving Hope to Humanity Jean Brown 2005 Step Four to Remaking the World Artikel Reflexion Giving Hope to Humanity Jean Brown English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Back From the Edge Paul Williams 2005 Hate of his father pushed Kofi Bassaw Quartey to crime. Now he campaigns for integrity in Africa. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Back From the Edge Paul Williams English English Artikel Meinung English English Caux is the Place Philippe Mottu 2005 As he searched for an answer, he sensed that the moment for reconciliation would come and wrote, 'Caux is the place'. Artikel Meinung Caux is the Place Philippe Mottu English English Artikel Reflexion English English Where Giants Dare to Tread 2005 Stepping into the unknown is always scary. There are many pitfalls - and you are on your own. Artikel Reflexion Where Giants Dare to Tread English English Artikel English English Partners in the Global Economy Michael Schmidt 2001 Big business is one of the world's most influential forces. Artikel Partners in the Global Economy Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English At Loggerheads With the Corrupt John Bond 2006 Having laid down his guns, Joseph Wong is working for a corruption-free logging industry in the Solomon Islands. Artikel Profil At Loggerheads With the Corrupt John Bond English English Artikel Reflexion English English Who Won the Tournament? John Lester 1987 For two days the coach wrestled with this and then went to the authorities... Artikel Reflexion Who Won the Tournament? John Lester English English Artikel Profil English English Heirs of Free Africa 1988 A lively and determined group, born since independence, they presented a quite different picture of Africa. Artikel Profil Heirs of Free Africa English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Behind the Image 1988 I bought a black T-shirt and Levi jeans, grew long hair and made up a new past. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Behind the Image English English Artikel Miscellaneous English English Breaking the Bonds of Caste 1988 On a chilly December evening in Delhi, I met a group from Delhi's largest harijan colony. Artikel Miscellaneous Breaking the Bonds of Caste English English Artikel Reflexion English English Footsteps in the Sand Mohan Bhagwandas 1988 I was walking with someone I had known for 18 years, but I had never really become his friend. Artikel Reflexion Footsteps in the Sand Mohan Bhagwandas English English Artikel Reflexion English English Of Dogs and Doctors John Lester 1988 In countries that face oppression one can find people possessed of an inner liberty... Artikel Reflexion Of Dogs and Doctors John Lester English English Artikel Meinung English English Sinhalese and Tamils 1988 'I am a Sri Lankan.' Artikel Meinung Sinhalese and Tamils English English Mehr anzeigen (von 250)