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Angehängte Medien: PDF en Artikel Stanzen Angehängte Medien: PDF 64 Chinese Generals Rearm (Morally) as Chiang Play... English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English The Eyes That Altered My Path 1997 Liberian peace-worker Samuel Doe describes how an encounter with a starving child changed the course of his life. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte The Eyes That Altered My Path English English Veröffentlichung Buch English Português English + 1 Africa's Hour and other speeches Peter Howard 1968 ‘It is a revolutionary concept which includes the whole of humanity' Angehängte Medien: PDF en Veröffentlichung Buch Angehängte Medien: PDF Africa's Hour and other speeches Peter Howard 1968 English Português English + 1 Artikel Profil English English Turning the Tide in Kingston 1998 After years of decay, Jamaica's capital city has begun to see its heart restored. 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Mary Lean English English Artikel Interview-Transkript English English Pushing for Debt Forgiveness Jens Jonathan Wilhelmsen 2000 An interview with Norway's former Minister of International Development and Human Rights, Hilde Frafjord Johnson. Artikel Interview-Transkript Pushing for Debt Forgiveness Jens Jonathan Wilhelmsen English English Artikel Nachrichten English English A people-focused, sustainable approach to globaliz... Michael Schmidt 2009 Crisis of values highlight at 'Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy' conference in Caux, Switzerland, 24-29 July 2009 Artikel Nachrichten A people-focused, sustainable approach to globaliz... Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English Saving Lives in the Shanty Town 2001 Diana Patricia Pabón-Ramirez, young 'fighter for peace' in Colombia. Artikel Profil Saving Lives in the Shanty Town English English Artikel Meinung English English Relaxing the Midas Grip 2003 If love makes the world go round, greed also keeps things moving-but it makes for a stomach-churning ride. Artikel Meinung Relaxing the Midas Grip English English Artikel Bericht English English Globalization... as if People Really Mattered Michael Schmidt 2003 Can big business and activists agree on fighting poverty? Artikel Bericht Globalization... as if People Really Mattered Michael Schmidt English English Artikel Profil English English Repairing the Carpet of Community Mary Lean 2003 Housing is about people-not just bricks, maintains a trail-blazing housing non-profit organization in Richmond, Virginia. Artikel Profil Repairing the Carpet of Community Mary Lean English English Artikel Profil English English People to People 2003 'One plus one plus one can make a big difference.' 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