Religion und Spiritualität Diese Seite existiert in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtern nach Titel Filter Content Type Artikel Einfache Seite Film Musik Ort Person Problem Programm Sammlung Theater Unterhaltung Veranstaltung Veröffentlichung Zeitreisen Alle Typen anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Originalsprache English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Alle Sprachen anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Sprache dieser Seite English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Französisch Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Alle Sprachen anzeigen Weniger anzeigen Medien sind angehängt Angehängte Datei Text Eingebettetes Audio Audio Eingebettetes Video Video Sortieren nach Sortieren nach Completeness AscCompleteness Desc Asc DescDatum hinzugefügt AscDatum hinzugefügt DescTitel AscTitel DescCompleteness Asc Created with Lunacy Raster Created with Lunacy Liste 504 Ergebnisse Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English Blowing the stereotypes out of our minds Omnia Marzouk 1998 When Omnia Marzouk, a consultant paediatrician in Liverpool, visited India, she discovered another side to her history. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte Blowing the stereotypes out of our minds Omnia Marzouk English English Artikel English English Europe and Islam Can Enrich Each Other 1998 Ridha Driss, Chief Editor of the magazine al-Insan (Man), looks at Islam as a European phenomenon. He lives in France. Artikel Europe and Islam Can Enrich Each Other English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Towards a Symphony of Civilizations Paul Williams 1998 Paul Williams attends an inter-generational conversation on ethics for the next century. Artikel Nachrichten Towards a Symphony of Civilizations Paul Williams English English Artikel English English Mightier Than the Sword? 1998 A symposium in Ottawa on the responsibilities of artists and writers as champions of human rights. Artikel Mightier Than the Sword? English English Artikel Rückblick English English Jung, According to Van Der Post Jean Brown 1998 Jean Brown eavesdrops on relationship between two 'large souls' - and comes home to herself. Artikel Rückblick Jung, According to Van Der Post Jean Brown English English Artikel Rückblick English English When the Pope Says Sorry 1999 Italian journalist Luigi Accatolli has documented 94 occasions when the Pope has apologized publicly... Artikel Rückblick When the Pope Says Sorry English English Artikel English English Discovering Inner Freedom Philip Boobbyer 1999 A sense of inner freedom is often the exception rather than the norm in life. Yet could it be permanent? Artikel Discovering Inner Freedom Philip Boobbyer English English Artikel English English Christians Atone for the Crusades 1999 For the last three years, western Christians have been retracing the steps of the first Crusaders... Artikel Christians Atone for the Crusades English English Artikel English English Britain's Multicultural Schools: Good but Could Do... Kenneth Noble 1999 In the last 50 years pupils from many different ethnic minorities have entered the British education system. Artikel Britain's Multicultural Schools: Good but Could Do... Kenneth Noble English English Artikel Profil English English A Talent for Job-Creation John Williams 1999 Over 165,000 people in developing countries found work in 1998, thanks to David Bussau and his organization. Artikel Profil A Talent for Job-Creation John Williams English English Artikel Profil English English A Broadcaster With Vision 1999 Vision TV, Canada, is a network with a difference - religious but multifaith, incisive but non-confrontational. Artikel Profil A Broadcaster With Vision English English Artikel English English The Last Best Word of the English Language 1999 American author Philip Yancey teaches Susan Corcoran a thing or two about grace. Artikel The Last Best Word of the English Language English English Artikel Meinung English English The Cardinal who pointed us to the best Kenneth Noble 1999 Cardinal Basil Hume, the Archbishop of Westminster, died on 17 June mourned not just by Britain's Roman Catholics... Artikel Meinung The Cardinal who pointed us to the best Kenneth Noble English English Artikel English English What Has People Power Done for Poland? Mike Lowe 1999 Poland, ten years after its return to democracy. Artikel What Has People Power Done for Poland? Mike Lowe English English Artikel Nachrichten English Español English + 1 Seminars in Gaza and Israel Peter Riddell 1999 An international group, with experience of facilitating change in their societies, spent a week in Israel and Palestine. Artikel Nachrichten Seminars in Gaza and Israel Peter Riddell English Español English + 1 Artikel Profil English English Priest of Many Frontiers Alan Channer 1999 An interview with François Ponchaud, the Catholic priest who brought the Cambodian genocide to the attention of the world. Artikel Profil Priest of Many Frontiers Alan Channer English English Artikel Meinung English English Why East and West Need Each Other 1999 'Man is the enemy of that of which he is ignorant'. How can we remove this enmity from our lives? Artikel Meinung Why East and West Need Each Other English English Artikel Bericht English English The Forest: Mankind's First and Last Refuge Alan Channer 2000 In the French Chateau de Klingenthal, an unusual symposium was beginning. Artikel Bericht The Forest: Mankind's First and Last Refuge Alan Channer English English Artikel Profil English English Listening to the Voices of Suffering 2000 Monsignor Victor Grech, Director of Caritas Malta, a priest who constantly reaches out to those who suffer more than most. Artikel Profil Listening to the Voices of Suffering English English Artikel Meinung English English Preserving the Sanctity of Creation 2000 Through man's materialistic approach, nature is not seen as the creation of God...something purely for our convenience. Artikel Meinung Preserving the Sanctity of Creation English English Mehr anzeigen (von 504)