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Artikel Getting to Grips With Race English English Artikel English English Dogged Dialogue for One America Michael Henderson 1998 An honest conversation about race. Artikel Dogged Dialogue for One America Michael Henderson English English Artikel Nachrichten English English A Nation Says Sorry John Bond 1998 Australians were shaken by the report of an investigation into the policy of removing Aboriginal children from their families. Artikel Nachrichten A Nation Says Sorry John Bond English English Artikel Nachrichten English English Kenyans Reject Corruption 1998 The sixth All-Africa conference for MRA, which took place in Limuru, Kenya, was marked by plain speaking... Artikel Nachrichten Kenyans Reject Corruption English English Artikel English English Two Faces of Australia Michael Henderson 1998 Australians are a robust and increasingly diverse people. Artikel Two Faces of Australia Michael Henderson English English Artikel English English Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean 1998 It's not just the ethereal scenery that brings people from conflict areas to Caux in Switzerland. Artikel Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English The Search for Wilhelm Heilmann 1998 Norwegian Resistance veteran Leif Hovelsen travels to Germany to try and make peace with his former Nazi jailer. Artikel Persönliche Geschichte The Search for Wilhelm Heilmann English English Artikel English English Mightier Than the Sword? 1998 A symposium in Ottawa on the responsibilities of artists and writers as champions of human rights. Artikel Mightier Than the Sword? English English Artikel Geschichte English English Healing Slavery's Hurts in 2000 Michael Henderson 1998 The Mayflower that carried the Pilgrim Fathers to religious liberty in America went on her next trip for a load of slaves. Artikel Geschichte Healing Slavery's Hurts in 2000 Michael Henderson English English Artikel Persönliche Geschichte English English 'So You are the One Who Destroyed My Village' Paul Williams 1998 An Ethiopian peacemaker Artikel Persönliche Geschichte 'So You are the One Who Destroyed My Village' Paul Williams English English Artikel Meinung English English Not for the Faint-Hearted 1999 South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is a weighty affair... Artikel Meinung Not for the Faint-Hearted English English Artikel Rückblick English English When the Pope Says Sorry 1999 Italian journalist Luigi Accatolli has documented 94 occasions when the Pope has apologized publicly... Artikel Rückblick When the Pope Says Sorry English English Artikel English English Christians Atone for the Crusades 1999 For the last three years, western Christians have been retracing the steps of the first Crusaders... Artikel Christians Atone for the Crusades English English Artikel Geschichte English English No Time Like Now to Forgive Michael Henderson 1999 Nobody said that healing history or treading the path of forgiveness would be easy. Artikel Geschichte No Time Like Now to Forgive Michael Henderson English English Artikel Meinung English English After war, what? Michael Schmidt 1999 'The racism that threatens the world's future'. Artikel Meinung After war, what? Michael Schmidt English English Artikel English English The Last Best Word of the English Language 1999 American author Philip Yancey teaches Susan Corcoran a thing or two about grace. Artikel The Last Best Word of the English Language English English Artikel Nachrichten English Español English + 1 What Happens After You Say Sorry? John Bond 1999 Progress towards healing a deep hurt in the soul of Australia. Artikel Nachrichten What Happens After You Say Sorry? John Bond English Español English + 1 Artikel Rückblick English Español English + 1 When Neighbours Become Enemies 1999 Michael Ignatieff's recent book on ethnic conflict. Artikel Rückblick When Neighbours Become Enemies English Español English + 1 Artikel English Español English + 1 Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown 1999 A week at the MRA international conference centre in Caux, Switzerland, of 'honest conversation' Artikel Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown English Español English + 1 Artikel English English 'We were Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' Michael Henderson 1999 Veteran American journalist Charles Overby encountered more than he bargained for on a recent trip to West Africa. Artikel 'We were Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' Michael Henderson English English Mehr anzeigen (von 328)