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Listening Roadshow in Birmingham following Brexit

Listening Roadshows create honest, safe spaces that allow communities to connect and listen to one another following Brexit.

On the last Saturday in January 2018, Birmingham hosted its third Listening Roadshow, facilitating a conversation about how people feel following the EU referendum.

It was built around four people coming from Sheffield, Brighton, Frome and Birmingham itself, who experienced a Roadshow in the morning, followed by training in the afternoon in how to facilitate further their own Roadshows. It took place at Birmingham’s Clifton Road mosque.

What is actually said in a Listening Roadshow is not passed on or publicised. But as often happens, some participants found themselves listening for the first time to people who had voted opposite to them in the referendum, about why they did so and how they feel about the situation now. There was some surprise at the integrity of those who take an opposite view of Brexit, and realisation of how easy it is to pre-judge.

The Referendum is some time ago now, but the sense of unease on all sides and the lack of communication with those who think differently has not diminished. The Listening Roadshow was available for another six months. So now is the time to bring a group together where you are. 

The plan was to hand in a summary of the main findings to policy-makers at the Department of Community and Local Government and others in Westminster. 

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