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"It must begin with the individual, but it must not rest there."
"From the individual it must go to the class and to the nation."
There are about 50 members of the Oxford Group in Asheville, although the movement has no definite organization.
Leader of religious movement brings 22 Oxford followers to Briarcliff gathering.
House party of Oxford Movement attracts 500 at Shoreman Hotel.
'It is the answer in the day of crisis to all the world's problems,' asserted Dr. Buchman today in describing the Oxford Group.
Groups seek return of faith and sense of law, Frank Buchman says.
Critics ignore invitation.
One must listen to God as well as to speak to Him.
Moral Re-Armament team including Dr Norval, Chairman of Board of Trade, arrive in South Africa
The incident affords an interesting in-sight into MRA methods.
Followers rub shoulders in life-changing campaign.
Tidal wave revival seen.
Many Oxford undergraduates and Dons give testimony to an audience of 5,000 in London.
Some who have seen Moral Re-Armament advertisements, may feel a certain sympathy for the movement's seemingly worthy ideals.
A headmaster confesses to 'lying'.
Notes from occasions with Frank Buchman.
Africa's rebels with a cause seek to end world's divisions.
'I'd like to see a newspaper with imagination enough to run a page a week of changed lives,' said Rev Sam Shoemaker.
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