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How to make the most of the search engine

Here are some brief rules:

  • Results will match ALL words input into the search box. In other words, only those results where all words are found will display. For example, searching for Frank Buchman without quotes will find all pages where both words exist somewhere on the page. 
  • To find an exact phrase put it in DOUBLE quote marks (""). For example, searching for "Frank Buchman" will find only those pages where his whole name is used. 
  • Searches are not case sensitive, either in terms of what you enter or in terms of what is found.

Results are presented in order of perceived relevance, with weighting given (in descending order) to matches found:

  • in the Title of a page
  • in the type of content, categories, etc
  • in other shorter text fields
  • in the longer text fields
  • in attached files

You can filter your results by further criteria, using the blue FILTERS button which pops up a new side window:

  • by type of content (person, publication, film, article, etc)
  • by whether the content has an attached text file (e.g. PDF of a book), audio (e.g. recording of a meeting), video, or whether it is a picture
  • by language
  • time period: you can choose a Min and a Max year - though not all content has this information

Results are by default sorted by the perceived relevance, but you can change the sort order to display in alphabetical order of Title, or by Date added (most recent or oldest).

There are also two different views of the results: a grid/card view (default) or a list view which you can select via the icons to the right of the sort order drop down.