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Give a monetary gift

Donations for the development and upkeep of this website, as well as the extensive archiving work undertaken by the foundation will be gratefully received. You can donate via bank transfer or PayPal, where you can choose to pay by Credit Card. Use the Donate button below if you wish to do this. This will open a new page which says Make a donation to 'Stiftelsen För en ny värld' (For A New World foundation). 

For international bank transfers:

  • IBAN: SE18 9500 0099 6034 0706 7846
  • Bank: Nordea, address: 105 71 Stockholm.

For Swedish bank transfers:

  • PlusGiro: 70 67 84-6
  • Bankgiro: 519-6910
  • Bankkonto: Nordea 9960-3407067846

Note: Donations may be tax deductible in your own country depending on its domestic tax law. When necessary, we can supply a letter of acknowledgement in case it is needed for tax deduction.

(The foundation For a new world is registered in Sweden as a not-for-profit organisation with the number 802478-0481 under the name 'Stiftelsen För en ny värld'.)

Donate your time & skill

There is always need for help with translations, corrections of texts, etc. to see a full list of what we need your help with.