Moïse Tschombé, President of the province of Katanga, invited a task force from MRA, who had been in the Congo since before independance, to give ideological training to its leaders and people. The films "Freedom" and "The Crowning Experience" were shown as part of this campaign. Introducing "Freedom", one of its creators said: "Only incorruptible men comitted to a greater world ideology (than Communism), can create the sound moral basis essential for democratic government. The force travelled to all regions of Katanga, and were received by local Chiefs. One of the politicians they met said: "Your coming has created a peaceful revolution".
Back in Elisabethville, they were received by President Kasavubu, to report on their trip, during which they had reached 94 thousand people in 21 days. The president said: "This uniting ideology is the secret of liberation for Africa".