We publish this book for two reasons. Firstly because one of the authors is Peter Howard, who on pages 41 to 64, with the title "Back to earth" describes finding a place where he could root himself and his family in rural England.
The reason why we have included the whole book, not only the story by Peter Howard is simple. Some of us working with For a new world are Anglofiles, having come to love the English language, countryside, and yes - the English! The other stories in this publication give a wider idea of the land he loved.
It is a book written with England at war, trying to encourage people all over the nation. The illustrations on their own are worth a visit.
In his foreword, Richard Harman, who has compiled the stories writes:
"In an age of destruction there is a re-awakened interest in the things that endure. The hills, fields and rivers of England touch the hearts of all of us because they offer normal living and the natural joys of earth. Life is very much more real and full as we get close to the earth."
In the text Howard also refers to his book Innocent Men