In 1908 Buchman, an American Lutheran minister of Swiss descent who was the originator of Initiatives of Change, had a spiritual experience of release from bitterness in crucial relationships that altered the course of his life. This new book opens with Archie Mackenzie's answer to the young man who asked him, "Why is Frank Buchman important?" - followed by 19 chapters that have been contributed by 33 committed carriers of his legacy. Compiled by David Young and Archie Mackenzie, it contains the text available on the IofC international website, now produced in response to many requests for a compact printed version. Additions and revisions have been incorporated, and it gives a broad picture of how Buchman's message and meaning has been borne forward across the world - a valuable resource.
Obtainable from IofC Books, 24 Greencoat Place, London SWIP 1RD, £5 plus £2p&p within UK.