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'Hoffnung' (Hope), a play adapted for cinema is taken worldwide

This film also exists in:

The play "Hoffnung" (Hope) is introduced by some documentary shots of the cast being invited to show the play in different places around the world (Germany where they meet with Adenauer, Switzerland, Cyprus, Kerala-India, Japan, United States: Washington, New York, etc.).
The story is about a man who escapes a communist country (east Germany) and starts living in the west. He discovers that the people in the west have no ideology and no direction for their lives. With people he meets in the west, he discovers the four moral standards highlighted by MRA, and convinces a former Communist agent to change and open his life to new ideas.
The film end with testimonies of miners about their experiences of change.

Film language


Year of release
Film length
Film type
Production company
Location of original cut
Publishing permission
Not established
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full video content of this film on this website.
Film language


Year of release
Film length
Film type
Production company
Location of original cut
Publishing permission
Not established
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full video content of this film on this website.