Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 7 results Group photo English English India Deputy speaker with Buchman Author unknown 1952 Anathasayanam Ayyangar, Deputy Speaker of the Indian house of the People, with Frank Buchman after the performance of "Jotham Valley" in new Delhi Group photo India Deputy speaker with Buchman Author unknown 1952 English English Portrait photo English English Leland Holland Author unknown Portrait photo Leland Holland in uniform Author unknown English English Activity photo English English Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 "The Vanishing Island takes place in two countries. One of them is called the land of Eiluph'mei and the other is called the land of Weilieit'tiu. The meaning of the words depends on which dictionary ... Activity photo Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 English English Activity photo English English Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 "The Vanishing Island takes place in two countries. One of them is called the land of Eiluph'mei and the other is called the land of Weilieit'tiu. The meaning of the words depends on which dictionary ... Activity photo Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 English English Activity photo English English Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 "The Vanishing Island takes place in two countries. One of them is called the land of Eiluph'mei and the other is called the land of Weilieit'tiu. The meaning of the words depends on which dictionary ... Activity photo Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 English English Activity photo English English Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 "The Vanishing Island takes place in two countries. One of them is called the land of Eiluph'mei and the other is called the land of Weilieit'tiu. The meaning of the words depends on which dictionary ... Activity photo Photos of the Musical Vanishing Island, 1955 English English Group photo English English Leland Holland & Rudolf Pechel Group Phot... Author unknown 1948 Leland Holland, former Los Angeles Lockheed shop steward, with Peter Pechel of Germany. Holland was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. Pechel had given the order to fire which caused Holland's wound Group photo Leland Holland & Rudolf Pechel Group Phot... Author unknown 1948 English English