Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 20 results Group photo English English Max Bladeck with Jack Jones, H. Boeing, H. G... Author unknown Group photo Max Bladeck with Jack Jones, Boeing, H. Groh... Author unknown English English Group photo English English ILO delegation meet with conference participa... Author unknown 1968 Delegates to the International labour conference in Geneva, in June, visit Caux and meet with employers and trade union delegates to the conference.John Vickers (27560) (6th)Abi Ali, M.P. President, I... Group photo ILO delegation meet with conference participa... Author unknown 1968 English English Activity photo English English Hoffnung in Italy, In Florence Author unknown 1960 The German miners leave the famed Palazzo Vecchio,Florence's 700-year-old city hall, after a reception given intheir honour by His Excellency Ponte Falazar, the ItalianGovernment Commissioner who is a... Activity photo Hoffnung in Italy, In Florence Author unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Hoffnung in Italy, with the Mayor of Fiesole Author unknown 1960 In the presence of officers and men of the Carabinieri and the police MayorIgnesti , Nenni Socialist head of Communistcontrolled Fiesole near Florence, talks with the German minersbefore they laid a w... Group photo Hoffnung in Italy, with the Mayor of Fiesole Author unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Max Bladeck in India Unknown Max Bladeck in India Group photo Max Bladeck in India Unknown English English Group photo English English Max Bladeck and two friends Unknown Max Bladeck, Paul Kurowski plus one Group photo Max Bladeck and two friends Unknown English English Group photo English English Max Bladeck receiving Indian delegation in th... Unknown Max and Grete Bladeck receiving an Indian delegation at their home in Moers. Group photo Max Bladeck receiving Indian delegation in th... Unknown English English Group photo English English A group of Four - Max Bladeck Unknown A group of Four - Max Bladeck Group photo A group of Four - Max Bladeck Unknown English English Group photo English English Buchman with miners in Caux Author unknown 1950 Frank Buchman (centre) with on his right Paul Kurowsky and on his left Max Bladeck , both German miners. Group photo Buchman with miners in Caux Author unknown 1950 English English Group photo English English Buchman in Kashmir with Bladeck and Kurowski Author unknown 1952 photo taken while a team was in Kashmir with Jotham Valley Group photo Buchman in Kashmir with Bladeck and Kurowski Author unknown 1952 English English Activity photo English English Journey of the Vanishing Island - Egypt Col. Gamal Abdel Nass€, president of the Revolutionary Council of Egypt recceives the World Mission in the Presidency. August 1955 On his left are Max Bladeck and Oskar Leimgruber Activity photo Journey of the Vanishing Island - Egypt English English Activity photo English English Cyprus premiere of "The Crowning Experie... At the premiere of the film in Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios receives Muriel Smith and Ann Buckles, who play the main parts in the film, and May Bladeck, Ruhr miner Activity photo Cyprus premiere of "The Crowning Experie... English English Activity photo English English Cyprus premiere of "The Crowning Experie... General Pantelides, of the Cyprus Army, talks with Ruhr Miner Max Bladeck. General Pantelides and the commanding officers of the Greek and Turkish military contingents attended a re... Activity photo Cyprus premiere of "The Crowning Experie... English English Group photo English English Max Bladeck & Joe Hancock Group Photo Author unknown 1961 A German miner and a British docker meet in Caux. Group photo Max Bladeck & Joe Hancock Group Photo Author unknown 1961 English English Group photo English English Paul Kurowski & Max Bladeck Author unknown German miners Group photo Paul Kurowski & Max Bladeck Author unknown English English Group photo English English Mallam Mohamed Aminu & Max Bladeck & ... Author unknown 1953 (L to R:) President of the Northern Elements Progressive Union of Nigeria with Ruhr miner, for 25 years member of the Communist party with Paramount Chief of the Offinso State, Gold Coast with Ruhr mi... Group photo Mallam Mohamed Aminu & Max Bladeck & ... Author unknown 1953 English English Group photo English English Victor Laure and Max Bladeck Author unknown 1953 Victor Laure Group photo Victor Laure and Max Bladeck Author unknown 1953 English English Group photo English English Max Bladeck,U.B.W. Fernando,B&W portrait ... Author unknown Workers Leaders from East and West. Max Bladeck, veterans miners leader from the Ruhr, formerly Communist for 26years meets U.B.W. Fernando (right), President, Federation of Workshop Commitees, after ... Group photo Max Bladeck,U.B.W. Fernando,B&W portrait ... Author unknown English English Portrait photo English English Max Bladeck, Ruhr miner Author unknown 1949 Max Bladeck portrait Max Bladeck joined the Communist Party as a young German coal miner in the 1920s. He remained loyal during the Hitler years when tens of thousands of communists were imprisoned o... Portrait photo Max Bladeck, Ruhr miner Author unknown 1949 English English Group photo English English (Left to Right) Patrick Wolrige Gordon, Richa... Author unknown (Left to Right) Patrick Wolrige Gordon, Richard Von Hessen (D), John Mc Govern(UK), Max Bladeck (D), Angelo Passetto (I) Group photo (Left to Right) Patrick Wolrige Gordon, Richa... Author unknown English English