Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 3 results Group photo English English Hoffnung in Germany w Berlin's Mayor Author unknown 1960 Kurt Mürre, Mayor of Tempelhof welcomes some of the cast.They are: (left to right) Richard Bladeck, Hans Hartung, Willi Schween, mechanic, Frau Wegerhoff, whose husband is a coalface worker in the Hol... Group photo Hoffnung in Germany w Berlin's Mayor Author unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Hoffnung in USA, German miners in Los Angeles Author unknown 1960 President Ed Stanley of the San Pedro Local of the shipyard Workers Union officially welcomes the Moral Re-Armament force at a union meeting.Listening to the union President are (left to right) Ruhr m... Group photo Hoffnung in USA, German miners in Los Angeles Author unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Person Unknown & Richard Bladeck & Ha... Author unknown German miners Group photo Person Unknown & Richard Bladeck & Ha... Author unknown English English