Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 10 results Portrait photo English English Abdelrahman Elkhatib Leif Söderlund 1999 Portrait photo Abdelrahman Elkhatib Leif Söderlund 1999 English English Portrait photo English English Gunnar Söderlund portrait photo 2023 Leif Söderlund 2023 Gunnar Söderlund portrait photo 2023 Portrait photo Gunnar Söderlund portrait photo 2023 Leif Söderlund 2023 English English Portrait photo English English Werner Haller portrait with cello from 2008 Leif Söderlund 2008 Werner Haller in his living room in La Patinoire in Caux, playing the chello. Portrait photo Werner Haller portrait with cello from 2008 Leif Söderlund 2008 English English Portrait photo English English Werner Haller with cello, portrait photo Leif Söderlund 2009 Werner Haller, former postmaster of Caux,playing the celloin his living-room in his home "Chalet de la Patinoire" in Caux in 2009. Portrait photo Werner Haller with cello, portrait photo Leif Söderlund 2009 English English Portrait photo English English Collection 'Listening' cover photo;... Leif Söderlund Collection 'Listening' cover photo; a view of a woman looking at Iceland's mountains Portrait photo Collection 'Listening' cover photo;... Leif Söderlund English English Portrait photo English English Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in colour Leif Söderlund Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in colour Portrait photo Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in colour Leif Söderlund English English Portrait photo English English Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in B&W Leif Söderlund Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in B&W Portrait photo Sylvie Söderlund profile photo in B&W Leif Söderlund English English Building photo English English Lundby Gård Leif Söderlund Picture of the main building at the Lundby Gård archives Building photo Lundby Gård Leif Söderlund English English Building photo English English Caux Theatre Leif Söderlund The former ball-room of the Caux Palace, now the theatre Building photo Caux Theatre Leif Söderlund English English Portrait photo English English Leif Söderlund portrait photo Leif Söderlund 2019 Self portrait of Leif Söderlund, taken in the autumn of 2018 Portrait photo Leif Söderlund portrait photo Leif Söderlund 2019 English English