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Caux meetings 1974-08 -04

includes Alan Thornhill giving 4 points of change.
Person(s) in this recording
Alan Thornhill, Einar Engebretsen, George Daneel, Michael Barrett, Bror Jonzon
Robert Michael Stewardt, Amy (unknown), Subbiah Kistasamy, Katherine Hill-Williams, Name unknown, Jova Spik

N.B. In the secretarial notes below it is wrongly noted that Mr (@ 627) introduces . The correct name is Jova Spik

Below you will find the English printed Caux summer programme. This particular meeting was outside a particular "session", and those days were often used for training in various ways. Both in understanding oneself, but also the world.

Original description of conference(s)
No general theme for the summer.

12 to 31 July 1974: "general period, with preference given to families and educators".

13 to 23 July and from 25 July to 3 August 1974: sessions with representatives of the younger generation.

26 to 31 July 1974: religious meeting on the theme "Thy Kingdom come. What does the Reign of God imply today?

1 to 11 August 1974: meeting of representatives of French-speaking countries with a significant participation of trade unionists. "We are families from the west of France, some of us trained in trade unionism, others led by life's circumstances to share the worries and hopes of distant nations. We all have one desire: to build a society at the service of all people.

10-18 August 1974: international meeting of parliamentarians convened by MPs from seven European countries. "Too often important decisions are taken under the influence of fear. Can't honesty, in politics too, create the conditions for new human relationships?

31 August to 2 September 1974: "Europe's responsibility in the world". "After remaining for a long time the ideal of those who could see the furthest, the European Community became a reality almost 25 years ago, thanks to the implementation by men such as Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gasperi and Robert Schumann of a new policy of honesty and reconciliation in the search for what is right for each person and for the whole. The hope it has raised requires it to set an example and a will for peace in the world. It can only succeed in this, in its internal progress as well as in its external action, if the same moral qualities which gave birth to it are constantly developed in those who lead it as well as in all those who live in it.

31 August to 8 September 1974: "Towards a new society - the role of industry. Philosophy and action. What should be the relationship between Japanese, European and American industry and the Third World? What should be the new motivations of the European economic community? What new social and industrial structures? What is the role of multinational companies? What changes must occur in both East and West? How can business, trade unions and government work effectively to create a new society?
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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.
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Publishing permission
Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.