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Trustbuilding: an honest conversation on race, reconciliation, and responsibility

Auteur (s):
'Trustbuilding' - a model of dialogue and community change

The National Director of Initiatives of Change and founder of Hope in the Cities, has been involved in promoting dialogue and conflict reconciliation among diverse and polarized racial, ethnic, and religious groups in an array of locales in Europe, South Africa, India, and the United States for over thirty years.

In 1993, this conservative southern city caught the attention of the nation with a public acknowledgment of its painful history and a call for ‘an honest conversation on race, reconciliation, and responsibility’. City and county residents of all backgrounds launched an unprecedented and sustained effort to address the ‘toxic issue of race’. Known as Hope in the Cities, this endeavor is now in its second decade of work. Trustbuilding should extend its important mission by carrying Richmond’s story to communities everywhere.

‘Trustbuilding, using personal narrative and exhaustive reporting by Rob Corcoran, chronicles how Hope in the Cities has moved what looked like an immoveable barricade. The job is not done, but Hope in the Cities has provided a map for the future.’ -from the foreword by Governor Tim Kaine.

‘This is a soberly inspiring book about citizens who have struggled to find respectful and productive ways of relating through dialogue across the racial, social, and economic differences that dangerously divide us. It is sobering because they have tackled inwardly and outwardly one of the greatest threats to civilization’s survival; inspiring because they have changed lives and communities. I pray fervently that the seeds they have sown will spread widely and deeply.’ - Harold H. Saunders, Chairman and President, International Institute for Sustained Dialogue, former Assistant Secretary of State

Trustbuilding is a visionary, compelling account of healing and change. Don’t just read it; share it with others in your community and use it as a roadmap for personal and public transformation.’ -Martha McCoy, Executive Director, Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center) and President of The Paul J Aicher Foundation

Source. (link is extern)https://www.upress.virginia.edu. Accessed on 2020-12-17.

Auteur (s)


University of Virginia Press
Publishing permission
Not established
Publicatietoestemming verwijst naar de rechten van FANW om deze tekst op deze website te publiceren.
Auteur (s)


University of Virginia Press
Publishing permission
Not established
Publicatietoestemming verwijst naar de rechten van FANW om deze tekst op deze website te publiceren.