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Ttached media: PDF en Publicatie Boek Ttached media: PDF Bread, Bricks and Belief Mary Lean English English Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English The Eyes That Altered My Path 1997 Liberian peace-worker Samuel Doe describes how an encounter with a starving child changed the course of his life. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal The Eyes That Altered My Path English English Artikel Profiel English English Militant for Mother's Milk Mike Brown 1997 Raj Anand knows the formula to save 1.5 million babies' lives a year - and it doesn't come out of a tin. He talks to Mike Brown. Artikel Profiel Militant for Mother's Milk Mike Brown English English Artikel Recensie English English The Seeds of Civilization 1998 Thousands of years ago, some of the earth's peoples developed societies which poured forth, displacing other peoples. Artikel Recensie The Seeds of Civilization English English Artikel English English View From An Organic Farm 1999 Alan Brockman's hope for the 21st century is no less than a revolution in world farming... Artikel View From An Organic Farm English English Artikel Opinie English Español English + 1 Averting a Flare-Up on the Farm 1999 John Bocock is a dairy and grain farmer in the Canadian prairies to the north of Edmonton, Alberta. Artikel Opinie Averting a Flare-Up on the Farm English Español English + 1 Artikel Profiel English English The Verwoerds and the ANC 1999 Verwoerd is one of the names most associated with apartheid. Artikel Profiel The Verwoerds and the ANC English English Artikel Opinie English English Now for the Evergreen Revolution 2001 Pioneer of India's Green Revolution, calls for a new approach to world farming. Artikel Opinie Now for the Evergreen Revolution English English Artikel Profiel English English Free, Frank and Fearless 2002 Why would a successful Kenyan salesman give up his career in order to become a thorn in his government's flesh? Artikel Profiel Free, Frank and Fearless English English Artikel Profiel English English Greening up the Killing Fields 2002 The task - bring the ancient Khmer rice culture back to life - in effect, to resurrect the killing fields. Artikel Profiel Greening up the Killing Fields English English Artikel Profiel English English Sierra Leone's Grassroots Peace-Builders 2003 Building peace in Sierra Leone, after a 10-year-long devastating civil war. Artikel Profiel Sierra Leone's Grassroots Peace-Builders English English Artikel Profiel English English Reaching Out to Asylum Seekers Mike Lowe 2003 Over the last six years, the Asylum Seekers Centre in Melbourne, Australia, has distributed over A$250,000-worth of aid. Artikel Profiel Reaching Out to Asylum Seekers Mike Lowe English English Artikel Profiel English English Sowing Seeds of Growth 2004 Rebuilding after war - and rebuilding relationships - are keys to sustainable development says agriculturalist, Paul Craig. Artikel Profiel Sowing Seeds of Growth English English Artikel Opinie English English Caux 2004: Narrowing the Gaps Mary Lean 2004 The harrowing pictures of starving children may seem a million miles away from the peace and beauty of the Swiss mountains. Artikel Opinie Caux 2004: Narrowing the Gaps Mary Lean English English Artikel Verslag English English Fairer Deal Needed for Third World Farmers Michaël Smit 2004 Report of a farmers' dialogue on tackling poverty Artikel Verslag Fairer Deal Needed for Third World Farmers Michaël Smit English English Artikel Nieuwbericht English English News from Sydney, the Solomons, London and the Wor... David Mills, Peter Thwaites, Mike Lowe, Suresh Khatri, Michaël Smit 2004 A few extremists are highjacking the agenda but the majority (whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish) are desperate to talk. Artikel Nieuwbericht News from Sydney, the Solomons, London and the Wor... David Mills, Peter Thwaites, Mike Lowe, Suresh Khatri, Michaël Smit English English Artikel Profiel English English Born-Again Crops Give Hope to Zimbabwean Farmers ... 2004 Ian Robertson and his colleagues have found a way to free staple crops from viruses, with dramatic results for their growers. Artikel Profiel Born-Again Crops Give Hope to Zimbabwean Farmers ... English English Bekijk meer (van 48)