Verzoening Deze pagina bestaat in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter op Titel Filters Content Type Artikel Eenvoudige pagina Evenement Film Lezing Muziek Nummer Persoon Plaats Programma Publicatie Rondleiding Theater Verzameling Toon alle soorten Toon minder soorten Oorspronkelijke taal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Paginataal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Heeft bijgevoegde media Bijgevoegd bestand Tekst Geïntegreerde audio Audio Geïntegreerde video Video Sorteren op Sorteer op Completeness AscCompleteness Desc Asc DescDatum toegevoegd AscDatum toegevoegd DescTitel AscTitel Desc Created with Lunacy Raster Created with Lunacy Lijst 422e resultaten Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English Parents' Upbringing 1990 We found that we could lose our rigidity without compromising our fundamental beliefs. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal Parents' Upbringing English English Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English 'Don't Let My Parents Split Up' 1990 It was all too much for Christine, as we shall call her. Her parents were always fighting and were on the verge of divorce. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal 'Don't Let My Parents Split Up' English English Artikel Profiel English English Moves for Reconciliation in Fiji 1990 Three years on from two military coups led by ethnic Fijians in 1987. Artikel Profiel Moves for Reconciliation in Fiji English English Artikel Recensie English English A Father's Love Michaël Smit 1991 Gordon Wilson and his daughter Marie, a 20-year-old nurse, were buried under six feet of rubble after an IRA bombing. Artikel Recensie A Father's Love Michaël Smit English English Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English Burglar Bill and the Birmingham Bombs 1991 A principal trade union convenor of the Birmingham car plant for Austin, was known as 'Burglar Bill'. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal Burglar Bill and the Birmingham Bombs English English Artikel Opinie English English Battle for the South African Psyche Anthony Duigan 1991 Apartheid has broken homes, broken trust, broken people. Yet, the greatest effect has been on the South African psyche. Artikel Opinie Battle for the South African Psyche Anthony Duigan English English Artikel Nieuwbericht English English Out of Africa 1991 The visit attracted extensive press coverage. Artikel Nieuwbericht Out of Africa English English Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English Waiting for Mother-In-Law 1991 I was not welcome in my mother-in-law's home. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal Waiting for Mother-In-Law English English Artikel Profiel English English After the Killing Fields Mike Brown 1992 As the Cambodian peace plan swings into action, a survivor of Pol Pot's terror talks about justice and forgiveness. Artikel Profiel After the Killing Fields Mike Brown English English Artikel Opinie English English Stranger in One's Own Land 2006 Often the strangers on the edge are the only people who can see the future as well as the past. Artikel Opinie Stranger in One's Own Land English English Artikel Nieuwbericht English English Building Peace From the Grass Roots Mary Lean 2006 A new film, The Imam and the Pastor, which tells the story of a remarkable peacemaking partnership. Artikel Nieuwbericht Building Peace From the Grass Roots Mary Lean English English Artikel Opinie English English Strengthening the Forgiveness Muscle Michael Henderson 2007 Forgiveness is not just a one-off event but a decision for a way of life. Artikel Opinie Strengthening the Forgiveness Muscle Michael Henderson English English Artikel Profiel English English Seeing Each Other in a Different Light 2007 'I am living a dream. My inner candle of hope for the future of Lebanon has been rekindled.' Artikel Profiel Seeing Each Other in a Different Light English English Artikel Recensie English English The Imam and the Pastor 2007 A new documentary film on Muslim-Christian relations. Artikel Recensie The Imam and the Pastor English English Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal English English Learning to Listen 2007 When you marry a Solomon Islander you marry their family, their island, and the nation. Artikel Persoonlijk verhaal Learning to Listen English English Artikel Profiel English English Forgiveness Out of War 2007 The Falklands War, 25 years ago, faced Major Chris Keeble with the sternest test of his military career. Artikel Profiel Forgiveness Out of War English English Artikel Opinie English English Where Labels Can Be Killers 1998 Faustina Starrett is Coordinator of Media Programmes at the North West Institute of Further and Higher Education in Derry. Artikel Opinie Where Labels Can Be Killers English English Artikel Profiel English English Making the Most of the New Millennium Mary Lean 1999 The year 2000 may just be a turn of the calendar, a more exciting date--but it has the power to inspire and to generate action. Artikel Profiel Making the Most of the New Millennium Mary Lean English English Artikel English English The Power of Forgiveness Michael Henderson 2000 Could you forgive someone who destroyed your life or, even worse, killed your child? Artikel The Power of Forgiveness Michael Henderson English English Artikel Geschiedenis English English The Second Battle of Pilleth Juliet Boobbyer 2005 This is border country with a long and turbulent history. Everyone knows that borderlands can be flash points. Artikel Geschiedenis The Second Battle of Pilleth Juliet Boobbyer English English Bekijk meer (van 422)