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Moral Lessons from Soviet History (Russian version)

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Report on the round table in Caux about the origins of evil in Soviet Russia and the experience of confronting it

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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, attempts were made to make sense of Soviet history in terms of universal human morality, to understand the causes and essence of evil, and to outline ways of national repentance. To what extent the participants in the Koh meeting succeeded in this, the reader can judge.

Philip Boobbyer, 'The Moral Lessons of Soviet History: The Experience of Opposition to Evil', in V.A. Kruglikov (ed), Kongenial'nost' mysli: O filosofe Meraba Mamardashvili (Moscow: Izd. 'Progress' 'Kul'tura', 1994), 220-226.

The English text is available here

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