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For A Change Magazine: Volume 19 Number 04

Answering Dresden's Call

This issue is about people daring to be their true selves and how that impacts society. Highlights include a lead article about Dresden - healing the wounds of war, building community through a furniture project in Richmond, Virginia and an essay about taking a new look at Islam. The reflection tells of a personal journey from a life of self blame to a vessel for love.

Why is Bolivia's controversial new President so popular in his country?
Philip Boobbyer discovers how the rebuilding of an historic German church, destroyed by British bombers during World War II.
Young Aboriginal people are changing their town.
Es hora de darle una nueva mirada al Islam
Fire! (En)
When one of the firemen in Egremont got married, the marquee did not arrive in time, so it was arranged to have the wedding in t
OK, I draw the line at 'Big Brother' - and I'm ashamed of my sneaking weakness for 'I'm a Celebrity'.
The discovery of a programme which is revitalising old furniture, broken lives and a whole neighbourhood.
I Give Up! (En)
There hasn't been one day in the last months when I haven't wanted a cigarette.
If only we lived in a world where people didn't drop litter, tell lies, cheat... but we do.
For the first time I recognised my addiction, the constant habit of blaming myself because of my inadequacies.
A unique sacred space in the heart of London where people of all faiths, or none, can meet.
Margaret Jackson was in on the birth of European unity. She talks to Michael Smith.
He was born in Cali, one of the biggest cities in Colombia, and has lived in Comuna 16 for many years. Life expectancy in the gh
We all need to step out of our respective intellectual ghettos and say, 'I am open-minded'.
Hennie de Pous reads a controversial report on Islam, and concludes that its critics were missing the point.
Dolen Cymru (the Wales-Lesotho Link) was launched in 1985, sustained on the Welsh side by a voluntary national committee.
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