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Politicians' Round Table in Caux

Thirty people from political life took part in a three-day round table conference on good governance.

Thirty people from political life took part in a three-day round table conference on good governance.
They included MPs from Japan and Korea; the Emir of Kano in northern Nigeria; Ambassador Mohammed Sahnoun, Deputy Secretary General of the UN; political advisors from Ukraine and Cameroon; Swiss parliamentarian Simonetta Sommaruga; and Cornelio Sommaruga (no relation), President of the Swiss Foundation for MRA/Initiatives of Change and former head of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

They issued a communiqué entitled, Caux declaration on good governance and the global village. It gave their conclusions as:

1. There is no good governance without democracy, participatory process and accountability.

2. The integrity of a democracy rests on its ability to protect and advance the human, economic and social rights of all its citizens including those on the margins of society, through enhanced participation at local, regional and national levels.

3. Good governance is based on the ultimate power of the people through democratic institutions and authorities and rule of law guaranteed by an independent judiciary.

4. Good governance requires the engagement of civil society with political institutions, and the components of civil society--organizations and individuals--must be transparent in their goals and methods.

5. An independent media is essential to good governance and transparency, and civil society has an important role in assuring that the media fulfills its role with integrity.

6. Good governance involves caring about the well-being of other peoples in the global village and engaging in neighbourly relationships to this end.

7. The interrelated challenges of the global economy require an integrated response of the international system.

8. Of the several specific challenges to international peace and security discussed, the participants singled out the urgent need to radically curb the transfer of small arms.

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