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IofC Web Insights

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A series of signed commentaries has become a weekly feature on the international website of Initiatives of Change.

A SERIES OF signed commentaries has become a weekly feature on the international website of Initiatives of Change.

Writing after a visit to Lebanon, Indian academic and author, Rajmohan Gandhi, said how impressed he was by Beirut, which 'provides a most impressive demonstration of renewal. For 16 years until 1990, the city had witnessed a savage civil war (Christian vs Muslim, East Beirut vs West Beirut) that smashed into ruins vast areas of a once-proud city and forced business and people to flee.

'Today Beirut shines again. Block after block after block has been brilliantly recreated. Apparently Lebanese of every kind were involved in the renewal, including Muslims and Christians, Sunnis, Shias and the Druze, Maronites and the Orthodox. Arabs from outside Lebanon also helped. Surely Arab pride has been bolstered by the creativity and boldness that said, "We will not use up all our energy in denouncing the enemies of Arabs. We will raise a new Beirut." '

(link is extern)www.initiativesofchange.org

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