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Patrick Colquhoun

Film producer, friend of Soviet dissidents and aid campaigner to Romania

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Patrick Colquhoun is a film producer, friend of Soviet dissidents and aid campaigner to Romania. He made the half-hour documentary film , about the life of Alexandre Solzhenitsyn, in 1981. Educated at Eton College, where his father was a housemaster, Colquhoun took Solzhenitsyn there to meet the senior students. He also arranged for Solzhenitsyn to meet Prince Charles and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Colquhoun graduated from Oxford University and first visited the IofC centre in , in 1961, arriving there on the day that IofC's founder died. Within a week, Colquhoun volunteered to work full-time with MRA/Initiatives of Change. He visited Romania following the collapse of the Ceauscescu regime in 1989, sparked by his daughter, Rohna, who urged him to do something about the situation there. Colquhoun was decorated by Prince (now King) Charles with the MBE in 2010, for services to medical aid. Aged 80, he made his 80th visit to Romania in 2019, taking medical aid to Salaj County Hospital and campaigning against corruption.

United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom