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Experiment with untruth: India under emergency

All about a turbulent period in Indian political life, the Emergency.

Henderson writes: "Perhaps one of the most unexpected, interesting and intensive periods in my life was the writing and seeing through of this book, which included doing most of it secretly in India and involved three visits to the country. In 1976 a good friend, Rajmohan Gandhi, was editing the journal Himmat which was one of the few publications willing to oppose the anti-democratic developments publicly. Some of us in Britain were worried about his safety and a photographer colleague of mine, David Channer, wrote, without consulting me, offering to come with me to India to see if we could do anything to help. Gandhi responded enthusiastically and I couldn’t very well back out!

"When I got to India Rajmohan asked if I would write with his assistance a book about what was going on and he would help. Thanks to his help I had many doors opened to me including the chance to meet Jayaprakash Narayan. Experiment with Untruth is the result of six weeks work underground. It started off under a pseudonym, Jack Carpenter, a long dead uncle’s name. Back home I was rejected by more than thirty publishers. Most feared for their company interests if they were seen to be involved.

"However, when democracy was restored and it became safe to do everything openly, Macmillans India agreed to publish and I went out again to rewrite the book in different circumstances. It was launched in India by George Fernandes, one of the leading underground figures and later cabinet minister, Soli Sorabjee, Solicitor General in the new government and the British High Commissioner. The English edition was launched in London at Chatham House by the Indian High Commissioner N.G. Goray."



Macmillan India
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Macmillan India
Publishing permission
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