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English English Статья Речь English English Education is a weapon 1977 The great educational thinkers have seen it, not as a weapon, but as the instrument of the soul's dignity. Статья Речь Education is a weapon The great educational thinkers have seen it, not a... English English Статья Речь English English Healing the Past Building the Future 1996 God makes no difference between people. What right do we have to differentiate? Статья Речь Healing the Past Building the Future God makes no difference between people. What righ... English English Статья Речь English English Struggle for a continent 1964 Speech by William Close incomplete incomplete Статья Речь Struggle for a continent Speech by William Close English English Статья Речь English Español English + 1 Frank Buchman speaking to his team in 1957 1957 Frank Buchman speaking to his MRA team at the Mackinac Island Conference Centre in 1957 Статья Речь Frank Buchman speaking to his team in 1957 Frank Buchman speaking to his MRA team at the Mack... English Español English + 1 Статья Речь English English Bill and Clara Jaeger speaking in 1979 1979 Remarks at the MRA Centre at Tirley Garth, UK Статья Речь Bill and Clara Jaeger speaking in 1979 Remarks at the MRA Centre at Tirley Garth, UK English English Выступления Речь English English Robert Schuman speaks in Caux 1953-09-13 (English+... 1953 Robert Schuman speaks in Caux 1953-09-13 Attached media: Audio en, fr Выступления Речь Attached media: Audio Robert Schuman speaks in Caux 1953-09-13 (English+... Robert Schuman speaks in Caux 1953-09-13 English English Выступления Речь English اللغة العربية English + 1 Caux meeting, 19 August 1953 1953 Kim Beazley, his first meeting in Caux Attached media: Audio en, de Выступления Речь Attached media: Audio Caux meeting, 19 August 1953 Kim Beazley, his first meeting in Caux English اللغة العربية English + 1 Фильм Речь English English 6th Annual Distinguished Speech in Ethics: Address... 2022 Rajmohan Gandhi delivered the Ethics Speech Attached media: Video Фильм Речь Attached media: Video 6th Annual Distinguished Speech in Ethics: Address... Rajmohan Gandhi delivered the Ethics Speech Выступления Речь English English Insights into Eastern Europe 1984 An address by Cardinal Franz König Attached media: Audio en Выступления Речь Attached media: Audio Insights into Eastern Europe An address by Cardinal Franz König English English Статья Речь English English “If Everyone Cared” - Margaret Tucker’s story 2021 The story of a remarkable Aboriginal woman - a Zoom talk by Peter Thwaites Статья Речь “If Everyone Cared” - Margaret Tucker’s story The story of a remarkable Aboriginal woman - a Zoo... English English Статья Речь English English Talk in Caux by Bishop Gordon Wheeler from Leeds U... 1987 Remarks by the Rt Rev Bishop Wheeler, Bishop Emeritus of Leeds, on his first visit to Caux. Статья Речь Talk in Caux by Bishop Gordon Wheeler from Leeds U... Remarks by the Rt Rev Bishop Wheeler, Bishop Emeri... English English Выступления Речь Français Français Discours de Paul Tournier à Caux en 1982, remaster... Paul Tournier 1982 Discours de Paul Tournier à Caux en 1982, remasterisation numérique Attached media: Audio fr Выступления Речь Attached media: Audio Discours de Paul Tournier à Caux en 1982, remaster... Discours de Paul Tournier à Caux en 1982, remaster... Français Français Фильм Речь English English Sermon - 1 Tim 6, Luke 16 by Peter Vickers 2019 A sermon on "letting go" of greed Attached media: Video en Фильм Речь Attached media: Video Sermon - 1 Tim 6, Luke 16 by Peter Vickers A sermon on "letting go" of greed English English Выступления Речь English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 русский + 11 Моральная основа свободного общества: Юбилейная ле... Sir Jonathan Sacks 1996 Главный раввин выступил с юбилейной лекцией в Ко Attached media: Audio en Выступления Речь Attached media: Audio Моральная основа свободного общества: Юбилейная ле... Главный раввин выступил с юбилейной лекцией в Ко English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 русский + 11 Статья Речь English Español Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska 日本語 русский + 8 Признание прошлого и настоящего 2012 Заявление д-ра Омнии Марзук, президента IofC International Статья Речь Признание прошлого и настоящего Заявление д-ра Омнии Марзук, президента IofC Inter... English Español Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska 日本語 русский + 8 Статья Речь English English Peter Vickers' sermon in Bramhope 20190929 2019 Sermon at St Giles' Church, Bramhope, Sunday, 29th September 2019, 14th after Trinity. Статья Речь Peter Vickers' sermon in Bramhope 20190929 Sermon at St Giles' Church, Bramhope, Sunday, 29th... English English Статья Речь English English Frank Buchman, A Tribute 1961 Speech given by Hon U Nu, Prime Minister of Burma, at Caux in 1961. Статья Речь Frank Buchman, A Tribute Speech given by Hon U Nu, Prime Minister of Burma,... English English Статья Речь English Español Português English + 2 Archie Mackenzie speaking at Caux 2008 2008 Archie Mackenzie about how 'The Caux approach' worked out in international diplomatic events Статья Речь Archie Mackenzie speaking at Caux 2008 Archie Mackenzie about how 'The Caux approach' wor... English Español Português English + 2 Статья Речь English English Talk at opening of Global Assembly 2013 2013 A talk by Dr Omnia Marzouk, President of IofC International, in Caux, Switzerland. Статья Речь Talk at opening of Global Assembly 2013 A talk by Dr Omnia Marzouk, President of IofC Inte... English English View More (of 65)