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Rediscovering freedom

What is freedom? This book takes us on a journey of discovery.

What is freedom? This book takes us on a journey of discovery. It is set against the emergence of political freedom in Eastern Europe and the search for inner freedom in the West.

The authors have travelled widely. They have seen colour, humour and inner liberty in unexpected places, even amongst those who have suffered under the greyness of totalitarian regimes.

If true liberty is something we want, the search for it will have to be at a deep enough level.

Does our freedom allow us the freedom to dream? Are we free from materialism and fear? Are we able to take on the most exacting freedom of all, the freedom to care?

This freedom would mean a freedom to serve, to make a better world for our children to live in; to restore relationships, to tackle the bitter legacies in the world. To discover, to invent, to create.

John Lester is British, was born in 1941, and is married with two sons. He studied medicine at Birmingham University and has worked at several hospitals in the city. He spent three years doing field-work with Moral Re-Armament in India.

He is now the Secretary of Moral Re-Armament, the Oxford Group in Great Britain. He writes and also continues his work as a part-time general practitioner in West London.

Pierre Spoerri is Swiss. Born in 1926, he studied at the universities of Geneva and Zurich. His father was professor of Romance Languages and later Dean and Vice Chancellor of Zurich University.

He has made extensive visits to the Middle East, Africa and Asia, writing, reporting for European newspapers and working with Moral Re-Armament. He and his wife have been involved in preparing and taking responsibility for the international conferences in Caux, Switzerland, and in developing friendships in Germany and Eastern Europe. His writings include Keine Zeit für Stille Zeit, Dynamik der Vergebung and Die Kunst mit dem Andern zu Leben.




Grosvenor Books
1 85239 016 6
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Grosvenor Books
1 85239 016 6
Publishing permission
Разрешение на публикацию относится к правам FANW на публикацию данного текста на этом сайте.