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Прикрепленный носитель: PDF en Статья Речь Прикрепленный носитель: PDF Just Governance for Human Security English English Публикации Книга English English Leading with Integrity Майкл Смит 2019 Eight Cs of trust: contracts, covenants, competences, character, conscience, conviction, courage and change. Публикации Книга Leading with Integrity Майкл Смит English English Статья Профиль English English Leaven of the Business World Майкл Смит 1996 Britain's Institute of Business Ethics, which marks its 10th anniversary in October, has put values onto the agenda in many boar Статья Профиль Leaven of the Business World Майкл Смит English English Статья Профиль English English The Man They Couldn't Silence 1996 Jamaican trade union leader Eddie Bailey is not afraid to stand up for what he believes - although it nearly cost him his life. Статья Профиль The Man They Couldn't Silence English English Статья Мнение English English A Call for Honest Conversation Dick Ruffin 1996 Richard Ruffin is a former Rhodes Scholar. Статья Мнение A Call for Honest Conversation Dick Ruffin English English Статья English English Can the Truth Heal South Africa? Gerald Pillay 1997 Gerald Pillay assesses one country's bold-and controversial-bid to come to terms with its past. Статья Can the Truth Heal South Africa? Gerald Pillay English English Статья English English Long-Distance Sprinter Майхл Хендерсон 1997 Gus Envela Jr believes that too many in public life have stayed on too long. Статья Long-Distance Sprinter Майхл Хендерсон English English Статья English English First Nations Put Healing First 1997 Do Canada's aboriginal people hold the key to national unity? Статья First Nations Put Healing First English English Статья English English Maori Children Lead the Way Mary Lean 1997 Over the last two decades the Maori people of New Zealand have found new confidence... Статья Maori Children Lead the Way Mary Lean English English Статья English English Brain Drain in Reverse Майкл Смит 1997 Indian businessman Farhad Forbes packed his bags in California's Silicon Valley and returned to serve his own country. Статья Brain Drain in Reverse Майкл Смит English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... 1997 Corruption is not so much the fruit of poverty and underdevelopment as the sustainer of these conditions. Статья Новостной сюжет Call for Islands of Integrity in a Sea of Corrupti... English English Статья English English The Security of Having Nothing to Lose 1997 Russian poet Irina Ratushinskaia spoke Caux on 'The life of faith'. Статья The Security of Having Nothing to Lose English English Статья Мнение English English Room for Pride and Shame 1998 Since becoming Australia's Governor-General in 1996, Sir William Deane has spoken compellingly about Australia's social needs. Статья Мнение Room for Pride and Shame English English Статья Профиль English English Risk-Taker Par Excellence Майкл Смит 1998 French businessman Jean Fayet has never jibbed at taking risks. Статья Профиль Risk-Taker Par Excellence Майкл Смит English English Статья English English Partnership Pays 1998 Jacky Brandt is 'not like other bosses'. Статья Partnership Pays English English Статья Профиль English English More than a firefighter 1998 New Zealand's Race Relations Conciliator, Rajen Prasad, has thrived amid cultural diversity from an early age. Статья Профиль More than a firefighter English English Статья Мнение English English The Struggle for a Non-Racial South Africa 1998 Dr Franklin Sonn is South Africa's Ambassador to the United States. This article is based on a talk he gave. Статья Мнение The Struggle for a Non-Racial South Africa English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English A Nation Says Sorry Джон Бонд 1998 Australians were shaken by the report of an investigation into the policy of removing Aboriginal children from their families. Статья Новостной сюжет A Nation Says Sorry Джон Бонд English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Kenyans Reject Corruption 1998 The sixth All-Africa conference for MRA, which took place in Limuru, Kenya, was marked by plain speaking... Статья Новостной сюжет Kenyans Reject Corruption English English Статья English English Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean 1998 It's not just the ethereal scenery that brings people from conflict areas to Caux in Switzerland. Статья Building Bridges Across the Divides Mary Lean English English Просмотреть больше (из 355)