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English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Award of Excellence at the International Film Fest... 2013 'Beyond Forgiving' won an Award of Excellence at the International Film Festival 2013 for Spirituality, Religion and Visionary Статья Новостной сюжет Award of Excellence at the International Film Fest... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving: Finalist for Africa World Docum... 2014 Beyond Forgiving film selected as one of the finalists for the Africa World Documentary 2014 film festival. Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving: Finalist for Africa World Docum... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Creators of Peace Circles in Egypt Mary Lean 2014 What does peace mean in a country where a people’s revolution has ended in disillusionment, bloodshed and polarisation? Статья Новостной сюжет Creators of Peace Circles in Egypt Mary Lean English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving inspiring university peace networ... 2014 Beyond Forgiving film screenings inspire university peace-building network with post-apartheid message of forgiveness. Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving inspiring university peace networ... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Bradford's Peace Studies students go beyond forgiv... 2014 The award-winning documentary film Beyond Forgiving, shot in post-Apartheid South Africa, is 'hugely humbling and stirring'. Статья Новостной сюжет Bradford's Peace Studies students go beyond forgiv... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving: A story from South Africa with l... 2014 The South African High Commission in London hosted the second outing of the Beyond Forgiving UK Tour on 19 May 2014. Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving: A story from South Africa with l... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Could you forgive? 2014 Ginn Fourie and Letlapa Mphahlele arrived in the UK for an eagerly anticipated Beyond Forgiving Speaking Tour (18-30 May 2014) Статья Новостной сюжет Could you forgive? English English Статья История, Новостной сюжет, Мнение English English Healing the Wounds of History as seen by the late ... 2015 In the world's increasing turmoil, what divides people seems to be more important than what unites them. Статья История, Новостной сюжет, Мнение Healing the Wounds of History as seen by the late ... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving screened at SOAS 2014 Beyond Forgiving film screened at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), London University Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving screened at SOAS English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving workshop at University for the Cr... 2014 ‘Amazing film but I just don’t get it. Why would a government kill school children?’ Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving workshop at University for the Cr... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Creators of Peace Oxford host Fashion Revolution –... 2015 As part of Oxford Women’s International Festival 2015, Creators of Peace hosted an event entitled ‘Fashion Revolution'. Статья Новостной сюжет Creators of Peace Oxford host Fashion Revolution –... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving Initiative inspires 2015 The Beyond Forgiving Initiative aims to further the message of the Beyond Forgiving documentary as a tool for reconciliation Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving Initiative inspires English English Статья Новостной сюжет, Мнение English English IofC's future role - searching for an Inclusive na... 2015 In an era of extremism, Howard Grace reflects on the need to move beyond being trapped in our national narratives. Статья Новостной сюжет, Мнение IofC's future role - searching for an Inclusive na... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English I am now convinced - my first Creators of Peace Ci... 2015 Sceptical of its impact, Ashley Muller unpacks her first exposure to a Creators of Peace Circle: from judgment to advocacy. Статья Новостной сюжет I am now convinced - my first Creators of Peace Ci... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Beyond Forgiving and spiritual reasoning with The ... 2015 Over 40 people gathered in St George’s Square in Central London to celebrate Interfaith week, 15 – 21 November 2015. Статья Новостной сюжет Beyond Forgiving and spiritual reasoning with The ... English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Answering Europe's migrant crisis 2016 A million migrants reached Europe in 2015 from the Middle East and Africa, half of them from Syria. Статья Новостной сюжет Answering Europe's migrant crisis English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Creating dialogues around forgiveness 2016 In 2015, Howard Grace and Talia Smith delivered over 40 events around the UK using the award winning film Beyond Forgiving. Статья Новостной сюжет Creating dialogues around forgiveness English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Bhajis for peace 2016 Food surplus, pay as you can - the Creators of Peace fundraising lunch in Oxford in May 2016 was an exercise in trust. Статья Новостной сюжет Bhajis for peace English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Living Peace: renewing vision through sunshine, cl... 2016 A group of Creators of Peace women met on a sunny day in Oxford, for a day of ‘refreshment, renewal, reflection and friendship'. Статья Новостной сюжет Living Peace: renewing vision through sunshine, cl... English English Просмотреть больше (из 438)