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Статья Новостной сюжет Saint Sends Swedes to Rome English English Статья Размышление English English Threads of Light Ailsa Hamilton 1988 'The shivers of despair which get buried at each report of tragedy can be safely brought to the surface of one's spirit...' Статья Размышление Threads of Light Ailsa Hamilton English English Статья Профиль English English Artists of Dissent 1988 A search for the connection between art and what happens in the human soul and society. Статья Профиль Artists of Dissent English English Статья Размышление English English Rich Harvest Сигне Лунд Стронг 1989 Every woman is born a creator. Our gifts may not always be apparent, but in everything we do we either create or destroy. Статья Размышление Rich Harvest Сигне Лунд Стронг English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English First Floor Theatre 1989 As one of the capitals of the theatre world, some may think that London already has enough theatres. Статья Новостной сюжет First Floor Theatre English English Статья Профиль English English To Save the Heart of Wales Paul Williams 1990 Welsh nationalist Gwynfor Evans - 'apostle of nonviolent nationalism'. Статья Профиль To Save the Heart of Wales Paul Williams English English Статья Мнение English English In Search of the Real Russia Victor Sparre 1991 I stood before the white-painted iron cross erected last year at the place where the Tsar's family was killed. Статья Мнение In Search of the Real Russia Victor Sparre English English Статья Мнение English English Getting Down to Reality Mary Lean 2006 OK, I draw the line at 'Big Brother' - and I'm ashamed of my sneaking weakness for 'I'm a Celebrity'. Статья Мнение Getting Down to Reality Mary Lean English English Статья Отчет English English Art Power Mary Lean 2006 Whether you're a clown, a singer, an actor or simply a member of the audience, you have an impact on the world.discov Статья Отчет Art Power Mary Lean English English Статья English English Something to Sing About Майхл Хендерсон 2006 Any history of Initiatives of Change might have a chapter dedicated to three American brothers, the Colwells. Статья Something to Sing About Майхл Хендерсон English English Статья Обзор English English Letting in the Light Mary Lean 2002 Leonard Evetts - master designer whose art was his message. Статья Обзор Letting in the Light Mary Lean English English Статья Профиль English English A Passion for Wales and the World 2004 When Carl Clowes applied for a job as a doctor in North Wales, he could not have foreseen where it would lead him. Статья Профиль A Passion for Wales and the World English English Статья Профиль English English Mountain Painter 1987 Like the early Chinese painters, Heaton Cooper sees landscape painting as a means of interpreting the divine spirit. Статья Профиль Mountain Painter English English Статья English English Answering Dresden's Call Филип Буббайер 2006 Philip Boobbyer discovers how the rebuilding of an historic German church, destroyed by British bombers during World War II. Статья Answering Dresden's Call Филип Буббайер English English Статья English English Hope for a Change Стэн Хэзелл 2006 Stan Hazell looks back over the years since the magazine was launched. Статья Hope for a Change Стэн Хэзелл English English Статья Обзор English English The Man Who Changed the Course of History Майкл Смит 2007 God's Politician is probably the best light introduction to the life of William Wilberforce, says Mike Smith. Статья Обзор The Man Who Changed the Course of History Майкл Смит English English Личности English Español English + 1 Ophelia Gordon Bell 1915 British sculptor and artist. Личности Ophelia Gordon Bell 1915 English Español English + 1 Публикации Буклет English English Listening to the wisdom of quiet voices 2006 Indigenous peoples involvement with MRA/IofC around the world for over 70 years. Прикрепленный носитель: PDF en Публикации Буклет Прикрепленный носитель: PDF Listening to the wisdom of quiet voices English English Фильм Документальный фильм English English Asia's Destiny (svensk undertext) 1970 Aktion i Nagaland, Indien och Malaysia Прикрепленный медиа: видео en Фильм Документальный фильм Прикрепленный медиа: видео Asia's Destiny (svensk undertext) 1970 English English Публикации Книга English English Preview of a New World: USA 1939-1946 Arthur Strong 1994 How Frank Buchman helped his country move from isolation to world responsibility. Публикации Книга Preview of a New World: USA 1939-1946 Arthur Strong English English Просмотреть больше (из 282)