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Статья Профиль That Bullet Was Meant for Me Bob Webb English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Show Without Shocking Finlay Moir, Liz Weeks, Danielle Maillefer, Gerald Henderson 2005 OUEST FRANCE, France's leading circulation daily, can attribute its success to its ethical policy, says Didier Pillet. Статья Новостной сюжет Show Without Shocking Finlay Moir, Liz Weeks, Danielle Maillefer, Gerald Henderson English English Статья Мнение English English How Do You Recharge Your Batteries? 2005 Human batteries are like a stream of water. If the water doesn't move then it becomes stagnant. Статья Мнение How Do You Recharge Your Batteries? English English Статья Профиль English English A Hand on Her Shoulder Стэн Хэзелл 2005 The latest book of a nonagenarian is a surprise hit in Britain's prisons. Статья Профиль A Hand on Her Shoulder Стэн Хэзелл English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Reasons for Hope Алан Уикс 2005 'Reasons for Hope' conference in Liverpool, UK, focussed on healing history and the power of honest dialogue. Статья Новостной сюжет Reasons for Hope Алан Уикс English English Статья Профиль English English Tearing Down the Walls 2005 She had come to the 'Building Bridges For Peace' programme to condemn the Israelis for killing her father. Статья Профиль Tearing Down the Walls English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English Standing up for Peace in a Clean Africa Жан Браун 2005 Women standing up and speaking out for peace in a clean Africa. Статья Новостной сюжет Standing up for Peace in a Clean Africa Жан Браун English English Статья Мнение English English I Don't Want Your Pity, Just Listen 2005 The day before Christine Jacobs, one of the 'stolen generations' of Aboriginal Australians, was due to speak at the Статья Мнение I Don't Want Your Pity, Just Listen English English Статья Профиль English English Helping Women to Find Their Voice 2006 Actress Julia Varley uses theatre to empower. Статья Профиль Helping Women to Find Their Voice English English Статья Новостной сюжет English English South Africa: a Quiet Revolution Ailsa Hamilton 1987 South Africa is in a state of deep unrest. Статья Новостной сюжет South Africa: a Quiet Revolution Ailsa Hamilton English English Статья История, Мнение English English No Matter the Past, the Future Matters Far More Раджмохан Ганди 1987 'I believe that brown and white hands, and black and yellow hands as well, must meet in an honourable bond.' Статья История, Мнение No Matter the Past, the Future Matters Far More Раджмохан Ганди English English Статья Профиль English English Strong Enough to Trust Джон Бонд 1988 Since he left school and home as a 14-year-old, Reg Blow has tried most things. Статья Профиль Strong Enough to Trust Джон Бонд English English Статья Профиль English English One Family's Berlin 1988 The Kriegs describe the year that their daughter was addicted as the lowest point of their married life. Статья Профиль One Family's Berlin English English Статья Личная история English English Nursing in Beirut 1989 Every time the shelling began we had to take all the patients to the ground floor, lining their beds up along a dark corridor. Статья Личная история Nursing in Beirut English English Статья Личная история English English Healing the Wounds 1989 'Amos Owen, the spiritual leader of the Dakota people, Minnesota, came to give a healing ceremony for me at my hospital bedside. Статья Личная история Healing the Wounds English English Статья Личная история English English Up From a 'Down' Via Korea 1990 After two days, I saw that it was not enough to read history in books: I had to accept that I was part of it.fy wit Статья Личная история Up From a 'Down' Via Korea English English Статья История, Размышление English English Ireland and the English Question John Lester 1991 English doctor feels the need for a clinical examination of his own attitudes regarding the Irish question. Статья История, Размышление Ireland and the English Question John Lester English English Статья Профиль English English Hence We Stand Tall Эдвард Питерс, Elisabeth Peters 1991 People are talking of a Maori renaissance. Статья Профиль Hence We Stand Tall Эдвард Питерс, Elisabeth Peters English English Статья Профиль English English I Lost My Hate at Auschwitz Майкл Смит 1991 Polish exile Aniela Stepan and her husband Olgierd tell their story. Статья Профиль I Lost My Hate at Auschwitz Майкл Смит English English Статья Мнение English English The Help the Unified Germany Needs Peter Petersen 1991 `Where do we go from here?' or, to be more exact: `Where do the Germans go from here?' Статья Мнение The Help the Unified Germany Needs Peter Petersen English English Просмотреть больше (из 102)